Nurturing the innocent soul


The eye contact, the warm hugs, the golden connection, the sharing of smiles, the wiping of tears, the rubbing off of pains, the safety of sleeping by the side, the many sighs of relief, the great content and satisfaction to both kid and the mother– Are these ever ever replacable by the modern day tools of parenting such as baby monitors, car seats and high chairs ?



Many modern practices pertaining to parenthood break my heart. Petty gains over valuable losses– is it the new norm? Is it worth the pain, the loss


Change is the only constant. But not all changes are necessary. Before adopting new practices, we should definitely weigh the pros and cons. Should we choose few benefits over ample losses of incredible importance?


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The opinions might be unpopular, the belief systems might differ. One persons right might be another’s wrong. But its an honest attempt of a mother/woman at trying to be sensible and sensitive towards new borns and their needs.


In their initial years babies dont need as many baby products- high chairs, trolleys, baby beds, cribs, baby monitors. All they need is a mother.


Ofcourse one can’t deny the assitance they provide a new mother to certain extent who has a million things to tend to along with her physical, mental and emotional health. However lets look at it from another point of view.



Issue 1—->Infants and tiny kids sleeping in their own beds in thier own rooms alone.  


They say it makes them brave and independent with better sleep cycles. But is it really required? Not to forget the risk factors it brings along in events of developing fever, distracted breathing or uncomfort due to several unexplained reasons.


I dont get why kids should sleep alone. I wonder how will the kid convey pain of longing, need for affection or just presence. Will monitors express the kids apprehensions aswell? Babies sleeping next to the mother safe and sound rivelling in warmth and love of mothers touch is the need of precious hour.  Is it replacable by high end baby monitors? I guess not.



Issue 2—->Babies tied up in the car seats alone.


Yes its for kids own safety.  Taking the kids out often has a bundle of advantages as well for their groeth, happiness, peace of mind, relaxation.   But the kid doesnt understand where and why they are going, when will the car stop, will they come back for him/her. All it sees is nothing. All it feels is car moving.

One plausible solution is for the kid to be accompanied by mother or someone in the back of the car to avoid kid being left alone without sight of human.


What breaks my heart further is mothers driving their kids often to put them for a nap or sleep. How heartless can it be?


Kids will go to sleep sooner or later. Its precious if the mother puts them to sleep patting their back, tucking them in warm blankets, caressing their soft hair, planting kisses.

The kid should not drift to sleep alone with uncertainties while the car moves.



Issue 3—->The infamous saga of kids feeding themselves sitting in high chairs.


Have seen multiple instances of kids, mere months old trying to feed themseleves. Sure it will help them feel the texture of food, avoiding food aversions to specific tastes and food items. This practice helps kids with motor control and they can choose when to stop eating.


But what i see is babies tied up again to high chair with bibs hung around their necks.


Should not the kid move around freely happily, giggling to funny faces, playing and researching various options? Should not the mother feed with her own hands, making morsels, telling stories, sharing smiles and love? Is their any replacement for mothers love?


The eye contact, the warm hugs, the golden connection, the sharing of smiles, the wiping of tears, the rubbing off of pains, the safety of sleeping beside, the many sighs of relief, the great content and satisfaction to both kid and the mother– Are these ever ever replacable by bibs, car seats, high chairs and baby monitors?


What if the kid learns to eat few less food times, or kid learns to eat by themselves a few months late? What if the kid is afraid to sleep alone for a couple of years? What is the hurry to teach them? What is the loss? Is the gain worth the losses?


After few years when kids grow up, they will definitely want their own space. May be we should cheirsh while it lasts. May be we value the needs, the wants, the soul, the life more than few mere practices abundant in recent times.


Clearly not all changes are essential. Something to think over.



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