Dear Father, Thank You For Making Me The Empowered Woman I Am Today!

You have believed in me and have exemplified courage in both your words and actions. Thank you, father, for being my strength!

Dear father,

This is something I’ve already told you, but I’ll say it again today. It is amazing what you have done to offer me such a wonderful existence. To put all I feel into words would likely take a lifetime. It will be like trying to fit the entire ocean into a bucket. It’s simply not doable.

Let me impart some of the wise life lessons I learned from you to the world. Here it goes-


I have seen you forgive people I thought didn’t deserve to be forgiven. When I try to talk you out of this habit, you always say “You don’t like when someone has hurt you, do you? Why do you have to do the same thing to him/her in a fit of rage? Being kind should be your forte, not your weakness.” You always keep telling. I have learned to see it now.

Being brave

You have exemplified courage in both your words and actions. Whether you are hang gliding as an NCC officer or undergoing two life-altering and extensive surgeries, you have always tackled challenges head-on, even when they seemed daunting. That is truly commendable.

Keeping it Real

You have exhorted me to remain loyal to who I am and never compromise my views or ideals to get the approval of others. You have shown me the value of being truthful, open, and sincere in my dealings with others. This lesson has helped me develop lasting friendships, promote trust, and lead a life that is consistent with my underlying principles.

This trait of mine has got me in trouble more than once though. Remember, when I was in a boarding school for my plus 2 education and you had called to check up on me just after I started school there? Did you know I was with the principal then? It didn’t stop me from complaining about my new school with every minute little detail. I had to do a whole lot of explanations after the phone call. Thankfully, I got away because I was a star student there. Things are not the same now that I am an adult. Nevertheless, I continue to speak from my heart.

Never giving up

I think you get this trait because of the different sports you played. From badminton to football to cricket, your passion for sports is something I share with you. Competitiveness with the concept of fair play on the side was your go-to mantra and now is mine too.

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You have always valued my opinions, embraced my passions, and created a nurturing environment for me while growing up. If this isn’t a legitimate confidence booster in a young girl’s life, I am not sure what else is!

Every girl needs strong and dependable parents while growing up. Lucky for me, I had two. On this Father’s Day, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for how you have guided me, loved me, and inspired me unconditionally – so here I am. You have had an indelible impact on my life journey and shaped me into the strong, capable individual that I am today. Thank you for everything!


Your loving daughter

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About the Author

Gangotri Kaushik

Gangotri is a versatile writer and editor with a Master's degree in Economics. Alongside her literary pursuits, she has also cultivated a love for cooking, experimenting with flavors and techniques in the kitchen. She read more...

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