4 Tips That Made Me A Successful Branch Manager After Baby

Juggling motherhood and profession was my reality, but practising these 4 tips helped me become a successful branch manager.

Juggling motherhood and profession was my reality, but practising these 4 tips helped me become a successful branch manager.

I had two babies at the same time — and no, they were not twins!

In late February 2002, my little bundle of joy entered the world, filling our lives with immeasurable love.
And when she was just 3 months old, I launched my second baby — a new branch, of which I was the Branch Manager!

The months before the launch were challenging.

I was determined to work

Determined to make things work, I brought my baby girl along with me to check on the construction progress and sign contracts. Juggling motherhood and professional responsibilities became my everyday reality.

4 Tips That Made Me A Successful Branch Manager After Baby

Being the first salesperson to rise to the role of a Branch Head, the prestige of the entire Sales team rested on my shoulders.

It was an ambitious experiment, as many doubted that a salesperson, especially a woman, could achieve such a feat.

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But guess what?

I passed the exam and was made Branch Manager!

I became the branch manager!

What followed was beyond anyone’s expectations. Our branch shattered records, earning the title of a “millionaire branch” for being the fastest to cross 100 crores in just six months. Our exceptional audit rating in the 90s was an unprecedented achievement.

We received recognition and awards in various categories, including assets and home loans. The success was a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team.

I carried responsibility of leading a team now

During my initial days as Branch Manager, I was taken aback when the watchman saluted me and followed me around. It was a reminder that I now carried the responsibility of leading a team and living up to the mantle of a Branch Manager.

I firmly believe that our core values should align with our work, and salespeople excel at serving and helping others.

4 tips for every future branch manager

These qualities helped me as I navigated the challenges of managing a branch and balancing the demands of motherhood.

Here are a few tips for women who aspire to pursue a similar path:

Be with people who show faith in you

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and are willing to lend a helping hand. Having a strong support system makes a world of difference.

Delegate work, you can’t do everything

Recognise that you can’t do everything on your own. Delegate tasks where possible, both at work and at home. Prioritise what truly matters and focus your energy there.

Prioritise yourself!

Prioritise self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or simply some time alone to recharge. This is the only way to maintain your well-being and effectiveness in both your personal and professional life.

Don’t beat yourself up and give in to “mom guilt”

Remember, you can’t be the perfect mom or the perfect Branch Manager every time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t excel in both areas! Say no to mom guilt.

So, to all the incredible parents out there who are building careers and raising children, I want to encourage you—it is possible!

Embrace the journey, embrace the challenges, and remember that with determination and resilience, you can achieve extraordinary things.

Recommended reading

Image source: CanvaPro

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