When I Got To Know That I Had Given Birth To A Girl Child My Happiness Knew No Bounds!

Having given birth to a baby girl, I felt overjoyed, a great emotion surged inside. Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes!

I would have been happy if I had given birth to a son but when I came to know that I had given birth to a girl child I was thrilled.

In the past, people felt very proud and even prayed to God to bless their family with a baby boy but in the recent past this sort of belief has changed to a greater extent but, I would say, not died out in society. Having a daughter makes me feel more responsible than having a boy would have. I feel overwhelmed in the company of my daughter and, above all, could relate her childhood very well with mine.

Daughters are moulded to fit into ‘female roles’ in a patriarchal society, but I won’t raise my daughter in this typical way!!

I feel that a girl child is an emblem of Goddess Durga. She has the power to conquer the world, and the strength to overcome evil through her strong determination. When treated in a wrong way, she could take on a fierce form, and fight against it with all her vigour. I am often moved by the way a girl child is treated in the family and society.

From the very beginning, they are moulded in a way so that they can fit into ‘female roles’ in our patriarchal society. They are discouraged by others to take risks in their life and prohibited to something which is way out. As a result, they end up doing domestic chores, raising children in the house or occupying middle-level positions in the company. After marriage, they are being guided by either their husband or in-laws.

As a mother to a six-year-old daughter, I always encourage her not only to mingle with girls but boys as well, not always to dress as a typical girl in pink, but she could put on blue clothes as well, or to keep her hair long instead of keeping it cropped. I make sure that she should be tough and strong and could play football or volleyball in the playground rather than being very delicate and playing with the dolls, sitting at home.

I want my daughter to be the best version of herself in life, to grow as a person, to shine and bloom, to inspire and set examples for others!

When she grows up, I want her to take risks in her life and her own experiences are the best teacher in her life rather than being guided or approved by others in life. I don’t want her to be very conventional in her approach, always abiding by the social norms but she must discover life on her own and explore her inner strengths and weaknesses.

The next generation need not imitate the way the present generation is living but girls must align themselves with the modern time and make sure they revel in their life and not thrust with responsibilities only. In a nutshell, they must take everything in their life into their own hands.

With most of the girls, the challenge beings after marriage when they are forced to change themselves and taught to adjust and compromise. To my horror, even at present a lot of women are not leading their lives at their own will. They must dress in a way that pleases in-laws or behave in a very docile way. Sorry to say but the daughter in-laws are treated like a doormat by their in-laws.

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I advise not only my daughter but all the daughters to stand against such obsolete systems in society. Life is very beautiful but unforeseeable and we all get life only once, therefore, don’t  make a mess of it but enjoy each and every moment of life and make the most of it.

I want my daughter to be the best version of herself in life, to grow as a person, to shine and bloom, to inspire and set examples for others.

Image Source: Unsplash/triloks


About the Author

Tanu Priya

I am a bit introvert by nature,but that does stop me to make friends with new people. Writing is my hobby,my passion,my dream It gives me the joy;gives meaning to my read more...

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