How Easily Can Social Media Create Havoc In Our Lives If Misused, Especially During COVID-19 Times?

If an anonymous comment or a not so perfect picture can take you on an emotional roller coaster for days altogether, is it worth the time and effort?

If an anonymous comment or a not so perfect picture can take you on an emotional roller coaster for days altogether, is it worth the time and effort?

During this lockdown, social media, for me, became the elephant in the room. The pandemic sealed its fate. Let’s say social media got the validation from TIME itself. Now, whether or not, I am a fan of social media has become irrelevant. It has a vast influence, gigantic reach and enormous power over us.

Though social media provides a great networking platform for almost everyone and everything, its negatives outweigh the constructive uses. We see several social media influencers taking a break from it. Depression, anxiety, and cyberbullying, are some of the clinically diagnosed syndromes associated with excessive use of social media. Meanwhile, FOMO (Fear of missing out) is yet another aspect of it that a number of people go through. 


Sharing every detail of our lives, constantly following trends and craving validation from anonymous people, is how social media adds fuel to fire. We have become a generation where likes and comments of people on social media make or mar our day. It shocks me, to even imagine the kind of power social media holds over us.

Failure of the system to protect young adults

The system has, somewhere, failed our young adults by letting them fall into this trap. They are constantly judged for their looks, lifestyle choices and for who they are.

Someone who is not active on social media is not cool enough to hang out with. There is an incessant pressure to be visible. The havoc this creates with their self-esteem at such a young age is unequivocal. Body shaming is one of the major issues to deal with.

Unrealistic Standards

The unrealistic standards set on every aspect of life is not only an illusion but a difficult one to break. Growing up, teenagers and young adults are dealing with numerous questions as it is.

Trying to find their foothold in life, they are already dabbling with the world around with uncertainty. All social media does is add to their woes. Conforming to social media standards to lead your life is an unimaginable task.

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One picture is never the full story

One picture never tells a full story. It might be a perfect moment captured but it is not the authentication for the perfect life. Social media is the false world of perfection. The actual life unfolds behind that perfect picture.

Multiplies insecurities

In the past few weeks, I observed an interesting phenomenon. During the lockdown, people are equating their self-worth with productivity online. Using lockdown productively and learn new skills seemed to be the new trend. But did anyone define productivity?

For me it could be going through the day smilingly, for you it could be going an extra step and click a picture of cake baked and post it on social media. And for someone out in the world, it could be simply earning two meals a day.

Your self-worth has nothing to do with productivity dished online.

Do not let it judge you. It’s a downward spiral. The more you give in, the more it demands. It’s addictive. And harbours on your insecurities.

Did it make life easy?

The social media platforms (like the machines on which it is supposed to operate) were expected to make our life easier. Did we stop to ask what happened? Have our lives become easier or more anxious?

Why did we let the technology take charge of our lives? It was supposed to enhance our life experiences, now there are all sorts of laws being enacted for our safety.

The lack of clarity of thought, life and perspective, leads to this undeniable dependency on technology where you need  constant endorsement from others.

During the lockdown, the role of social media was commendable. From keeping us connected to new business models emerging, it evolved at a tremendous speed and we adapted even faster. Kudos to that!

The trick is to use it logically, judiciously and prudently.

I will leave you with one thought – if an anonymous comment or a not so perfect picture can take you on an emotional roller coaster for days altogether, is it worth the time and effort?

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Vinita Malik

Dentist by profession, Home maker, Blogger, Runner.

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