How This Extremely Extroverted Person Realized During Quarantine That She Is Actually An Introvert

I spend time with myself and indulge in self-conversation realising what my interests are. Honestly, I would have never known so much about me if it was not the lock-down.

I spend time with myself and indulge in self-conversation realising what my interests are. Honestly, I would have never known so much about me if it was not the lock-down.

Sometimes, it takes an experience to make you realise who you are. Otherwise, you just flow with life and live your whole life not knowing who you actually are. I have been out and about my life so much so that I do not let my family and friends in oblivion about my daily activities. I have this urge to be in incessant touch with everyone I know. From posting pictures to updating status on Instagram to calling friends in person. No. It does not stop here. I liked going out after my work that it became a routine to hang out with friends and meeting friends of friends over a kaffeeklatsch. All this while, I reckoned that I am an extreme extrovert until this lock-down happened.

The lock-down all over India, started in March and till now I have not been able to step out of my home, let alone meet anyone. However, it does not feel so bad being in your own company. I actually like being alone for a fact that I can be me and I have so many thoughts inside my head that keep unraveling. It is because of this that I am doing things I like. I am learning more and more about myself and one thing that I learned is that I do not need someone else’s company to survive or be happy like I earlier used to think.

Let me admit, I was totally dependent on others for my happiness. The frequent calls, regular meetings, and the fear of missing out just outweighed the realisation that I can be alone too. It was so bad that I would make the first call even if the other person has not called me for months. Right!!! Nevertheless, this lock-down taught me that we are enough and resilient. Of course, we are coping with this pandemic and we surely have developed some resilience being in a lock-down. Coming back to the point, yes, we are enough and there is no exigency to be dependent on others to be happy.

I, certainly love my own company. I love the activities that I engage in which I have never tried before the lock-down such as cooking, writing, reading, and even learning a new language. I spend time with myself and indulge in self-conversation realising what my interests are. Honestly, I would have never known so much about me if it was not the lock-down.

Moreover, it certainly made me realise that I am actually an introvert and I like it. I am sure this lock-down must have brought some new revelations about yourself too.

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Image Credit: Pexels


About the Author

Hanisha Kapoor

Love to read crazy new stuff. What I love more is to write. And in between, I just chill. read more...

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