The Year Of Realization

The child asks him at the end of the story, "why did it take a virus"?. He just smiles , probably because he doesn't have an answer. I don't think any of us have an answer.

The child asks him at the end of the story, “why did it take a virus”?. He just smiles , probably because he doesn’t have an answer. I don’t think any of us have an answer.

All of us have heard bedtime stories and some of us must have told bedtime stories or maybe some of us are still telling bedtime stories.

Our history, our ancestors ,our culture was first introduced to us as a bedtime story.

I remember my grandfather telling me his experiences of the freedom struggle as a story. As a child I could not really understand the gravity of the situation but later as I grew and learnt more about our struggle for independence, I could relate to my grandfather’s stories.

I happened to watch a video on instagram by Tomfoolery. This video takes us to a time 10 or 15 years from now. He is telling the story of our present times.

He starts the story with how we lived ,how we abused everything, how the nature suffered because of our greed and then how we had to stay home to live.

How the earth healed and how everything changed for good while we stayed at home. All this happened because of a virus.

He calls it ‘The year of Realisation’. He also tells the child how we lived after. He tells him how we did not take anything for granted.

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The child asks him at the end of the story, “why did it take a virus”?. He just smiles , probably because he doesn’t have an answer. I don’t think any of us have an answer.

You can watch the video here

This video actually made me think. I asked myself what will change in me ? What will I change? How will I change ?

I asked a few of my friends and acquaintances as to what they will do once the lockdown is done and we can move out of home.

One of them replied that they are looking forward to go to work.
Another said, she wants to eat out.
One of them said they are looking forward to a holiday which they actually planned for this summer and so on .

What I understood is nothing will change. Everything will be back to normal. I know people have to start going out because we need to earn. Children need to go to school because they have to learn.

But I wish , people don’t forget that we all lived in times where we could not spend our money and realise
– That we are the sole cause for the devastation of Nature.
-That we can save the world by just staying at home.
– That we can lead a very healthy life with little changes in lifestyle.
-The best meals is what we cook together at home.
– kids need to learn survival/life skills along with everything they learn at school.

If we don’t mend our ways, this year will definitely not be ‘The year of Realisation’ and we may not live to tell our story.

But every change starts small, so I will do my bit.
I promise
I will not use my vehicle unnecessarily.
I will use public transport as much as possible
I will not litter.
I will minimise the use of plastic.
I will follow the three ‘R’s rule diligently.

I will do everything that is possible to keep our Earth healthy because I would definitely want to tell the story of realisation at bedtime to my grandchildren.

How about you all?

Image Credit: Pixabay


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