8 Warning Signs That You Are Stressed At Work And Need To Take A Break

Stress at work is inevitable, however, when it gets too much, it becomes problematic. Here are 8 signs that you are stressed at work and need a breather.

Stress at work is inevitable, however, when it gets too much, it becomes problematic. Here are 8 signs that you are stressed at work and need a breather.

Stress. Stressing. Stressed. These are the many moods of the average working professional in India. Almost 89 percent of the working population, including 95 percent of millennials, in India, are estimated to be suffering from workplace stress.

How inevitable is workplace stress?

We are all aware that some stress is inevitable at work. However, when it moves from a temporary issue to an excessive and chronic one, it becomes a matter of serious concern.

Running from meeting to meeting, the deadlines that come close too soon, the never-ending string of emails and dealing with unpleasant clients are all contributors to workplace stress. Growing economic concerns in the previous year don’t help either. According to a 2019 study, work-related stress complaints from employees doubled to 16 percent in 2019, as compared to the year before.

Besides regular workplace stress, corporate employees are also plagued by the uncertainty of their jobs, poor increments, and meeting revenue targets. And in this environment, workplace stress is born.

What is work-related stress?

According to the World Health Organisation, “Work-related stress is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge, and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope.”

It’s true that when you’re really unhappy with your job, it can wreak havoc on your body. Many digital entrepreneurs have recognised aches, sicknesses, sleeplessness and mood changes as primary symptoms of work-related stress. There comes a point when it all becomes too much.

If you ever feel like you’re on the verge of experiencing stress and burnout at work, watch out for these signs.

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You seldom leave your desk

Stress at work can bog you down completely. If you can’t find a minute to get yourself a cup of coffee or break for a quick chat with your colleagues, you’re overly stressed. Being chained to your desk can decrease productivity and reduce motivation.

Suffering from insomnia

While feeling physically exhausted at the end of a working day is normal, inability to sleep soundly is not. May be there’s a submission deadline you’re not able to get out of your mind. If this sounds like something you can relate to, beware! A relaxing bedtime routine starts by turning off your electronic devices. This will help you relax better and be more productive.

No work-life balance

Employees who are over-passionate about their jobs are at a greater risk of burnout. Job dedication is a good thing but not at the cost of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The pressure to conform to deadlines

If you’re worrying about submissions, deadlines and performance reviews even after work hours, chances are that you’re stressed. This feeling can further lead to chronic headaches, among other serious things.

Aches and pains

Being stressed affects an individual both physically and psychologically. Whether it’s a backache from a bad chair or a headache from staring at the screen for too long, these are potent indicators of stress.

Mood changes

If you notice yourself getting agitated or annoyed about the smallest of things, it is an indication that everything is getting a bit too much for you.

Acne, hair loss, and physical changes

An unpleasant work environment steals the energy you require to take care of yourself. This can have physical manifestations such as frequent acne, hair loss and change in physical appearance- including weight gain or weight loss.

Using social media extensively before sleep

Social media is no longer a stress buster; it is more of a stress booster. Using social media excessively before you go to sleep can make you feel isolated and lonely, thus heightening stress levels at work.

These are some of the alarming signs of stress at the workplace. Start by identifying the main culprits of stress and change your lifestyle to eliminate the repercussions.

A version of this was earlier published here.

Picture credits: Pexels.

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Malini Agarwal

Malini Agarwal a.k.a MissMalini is the Founder & Creative Director of MissMalini Entertainment, a leading media lifestyle brand that creates highly engaging, multi-platform content geared towards India's Internet Generation. Malini is read more...

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