Ordeal Of A House Princess

Where there is a “working tag” attached, there are heaps of roses while those housewives/secret aspirers only receive a million of spiteful comments.

In current times, seeing women restricted to four-walls is becoming a rarity. Is it the developing economy that is contributing to this? Well, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that a woman should not work rather, is it wrong if she chooses to not work that too at her own discretion? 

The mindset of society is changing. So does its stereotypes. 

I quit my job when I used to be a “house-princess”. Those gossiping neighbors or those sarcasm-enriched relatives left no stone unturned to demean my “unemployed status”.

“Aren’t you looking for some other job?”

“Isn’t it boring to sit at home all day?”

“How do you kill time?”

“Anyway, you aren’t working. So what level are you at in cooking?”

Back then during my courtship period, my now-husband asked me, “Why don’t you look for some good job opportunity? Whenever people ask me where you work, I find it embarrassing to answer them”. And I was like, “What the hell? What’s wrong in saying that I don’t work?”

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And the questions were ordeal-unlimited. 

I have my own reasons to quit my job and I don’t have to go about explaining things to people, isn’t it? 

Is “WORKING WOMAN”  a mandatory status or an identification mark? If at all it happens to be one, what’s wrong if a woman remains untagged?

Presently, I am a freelance content writer and I even have a published short-story book to my credit that many aren’t aware of. And I absolutely do not have a problem with it. But what if people start finding faults with that as well?

Quite recently, when I was casually conversing with my rarely-we-meet-circle, one of them suddenly congratulated me on my book release. Another person, who was not aware of it remarked, “Ah! Is that a new way for housewives to earn?!” and I found myself dumbfounded. Is that how people speculate on others’ lives or ambitions?

Nevertheless, either I grow irritated and shun them off or I drink them down for some good dose of a boost.

There are people who languish in cozy rooms earning trillions of money along with respect and there are the ones who are sweating it all out but do not earn even a line of appreciation. 

Where there is a “working tag” attached, there are heaps of roses while those housewives/secret aspirers only receive a million of spiteful comments. I do not have even an iota of idea when people would start respecting those for even a small task that they do.

No work is a downgrade when one’s vision is panoramic.


About the Author

Akilandeswari Sivaramakrishnan

Founder of Sane Bites. "Splashes of Life", a list of five short stories adds to my credit in fictional writing! read more...

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