Lighten Up Lady, Being Sad Is A Waste Of Time! 6 Tips To Be Happier!

Some people are always happy. Their energy contagious. And laughter joyful. Do you want to be like them? Here are six tips to be a happier, jollier person!

Some people are always happy. Their energy contagious. And laughter joyful. Do you want to be like them? Here are six tips to be a happier, jollier person!

Have you wondered how some people are always the powerhouse for all things good and jovial? Their presence adds humour and sparkle to each conversation; and that’s a sign of creativity.

Do you too wish to be in a merrier state and live life to the fullest? These 6 hacks will help you bootstrap and become a power bank of calm, peace and cheerfulness.

Read on, they are as practical as it could get.


And by that I mean smile from within, like the medicine man in ‘Eat Pray Love’ said, “Smile with your eyes, your thoughts and even your liver!”

When someone talks to you, look into their eyes and smile. You will automatically exude positive vibes and it is contagious enough to get onto everyone around you.

Count your blessings

When facing stressful time take a break from the place, situation or person. Move out in open natural light if possible and recall your child’s giggle, lover’s twinkle, parent’s love or sibling’s care.

These small moments are worth cherishing. They  are completely yours and no one can take away from you. So count them and deal with the situation after some rejuvenation.

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Always keep the silver lining in sight

When facing a challenging situation, think of the greater good that is coming out of this setup. Even the darkest of clouds have a silver lining. So keep the humour and hope alive by being your positive best in such events.

Challenge your imagination

Handle the question in a way you have never done before. Pause think and then reply.

Use your wits, wisdom and warmth in your dealings. Innovate with your behaviour and take people by surprise!

Be present in the present

Leave the laundry, the messiness and re-organisation aside. Play with your kiddo who has missed you for last 9 hours when you were away at work!

Trust me, no one ever got killed for an unkempt house. But the rewards of a joyful atmosphere are always the best.

Live and let live

When someone acts foolishly or thinks small, pray to god for blessing them with more wisdom.

After all a little sarcasm never hurt anyone, did it?!

Now that you know my tips to leading a happier life, why don’t you share yours in the comments?

Picture credits: YouTube

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New mom. Corporate Czarina. Born to read.

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