You Don’t Need To Give Birth To Be A Mother #Mother’sDay2019

As I write this, there must be scores of women who are turning into mothers this very moment. I don’t think there is anything else in the world that compares to the beauty, the feeling and the happiness of being a mother.

It is indeed a blessing to be a mother… to nourish life, to see a part of you grow outside you and to cherish every milestone.

Having said that, I also feel that a woman doesn’t become a mother only when she gives birth to a child. All women with motherly affection are mothers. For that matter, everyone, irrespective of their gender, who brings out the mom in them is a mother.

Why only humans, we have all seen animals and birds protecting their offspring. It’s amazing, how fiercely they protect their kids.

So today we should celebrate the essence of Motherhood.

So here’s to those

To the men who become moms to their children and give their best.

To those mothers who adopted children and gave them a new lease of life.

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To the maids who bring up the kids, in the absence of their moms. Sometimes, leaving their own at home.

To the ladies who run the creche, who make your life easier by taking care of your kids while you are away.

To the teachers who become mothers at school and take care of them like how you would.

To the elder siblings who bring out the mother in them to protect and love their sisters or brothers.

To the friends who become moms and give that protective hug whenever necessary.

To everyone who is or has brought out the mother in them some time in their life.

So, after you are done calling your mom and wishing her a Happy Mother’s Day, please do wish all the women and men who have made a difference, who have protected, loved and nurtured you like a mother.

Cheers to motherhood, to my mom and to every mom.


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