Have You Ever Danced To The Music Of The Earth? #InternationalEarthDay

The Earth will fill you with perspective and remind you of what is right. I am in harmony with her, every single time, I am fortunate enough to be in her presence.

Some days nothing seems to work, all efforts go wasted. You can’t think, your mind stops working. You need a break. What is the first thing you do?

I just go for a walk. I have always enjoyed walking. I am not talking about the brisk walk which every person who wants to be fit does. I am talking about the stroll, the easy walk, while you collect your thoughts. When you observe your surroundings.

I was always fond of walking. When I was young, we did not have any park near our house, but I used to walk to the library or go out to the grocery shop to buy something for my Mom. I always found an excuse to go out and I always preferred walking as long as the distance was in five km range.

Luckily, I found a friend (my bestie, till today) who had a similar liking to walking. We used to walk then, just to be together for some more time.

But, as I grew older, I have understood that walking actually gives me a different perspective on things. I now walk on the jogging track in the park of the society I live in.

I look around, I listen to the birds singing and I try to locate the bird amongst the branches of the tree. Sometimes, when I am sure that there is no one around, I mimic the bird. The bird is happy to have someone there, but when it realizes that it is not someone of its kind, it flies away, just like us.

I look at the plants and trees which look so similar, but which are so different in colours, shape, size but they all look so beautiful together, just like us. The trees bearing fruits are all bent and the flower-bearing plants are straight as if they are proud of their beauty, just like us.

I think there won’t be anyone (hopefully) who doesn’t like the smell of the mud after the rain. For me, no exquisite perfume smells as good as the mud when it is soaked. It is as if it is telling us that water is the elixir of life and the earth is welcoming and embracing it with open arms and everything looks so beautiful and full of life.

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Have you ever lied down under the night sky and looked at the stars? When I was younger, I used to try and locate the constellations and listen to the stories. I then started making my own stories. Trust me, when you look at the stars, you will free as if they want to say something.

Most of us would have sat on a beach looking at the sea. There is so much to learn from the waves. You can learn that your emotions are like the waves, they go up and down, but when you lose control over your thoughts, there can be a tsunami! The sea can take in everything but throws out what is not a part of it, or what it cannot imbibe, isn’t it telling us something about our own self?

The horizon looks so beautiful, telling us that we may hide our fears, inadequacies, pride and vanity with a confident exterior, but it will eventually be seen just like how we see that the sea and the sky don’t meet.

The Earth will fill you with perspective and remind you of what is right. I am in harmony with her, every single time, I am fortunate enough to be in her presence.

THE EARTH DOES HAVE MUSIC for those who listen and see and appreciate her abundance. Happy International Earth Day! Love your mother!


Image via Pixabay


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