Not Having A Job Is Not The End Of The Road, It Is The Beginning

Quitting or losing a job is not the end of the road. There might be better opportunities waiting for you once you decide to leave the same old terrain and follow your dreams.

Quitting or losing a job is not the end of the road. There might be better opportunities waiting for you once you decide to leave the same old terrain and follow your dreams.

Quitting or losing a job, after you’ve worked your whole life, is never easy. It is, infact, the most difficult task. We are so used to a certain lifestyle that we never imagine our lives outside that sphere. We love the security, the challenges, the adrenaline rush and our dear pay checks, that come with a steady job. More often than not, the mere idea of letting go of all the luxuries and breaking out of our cocoon, becomes the sole reason for continuing in a job. We work because we want to feel secure but aren’t we always talking about the lack of job security? The unpredictable nature of world economy is what drives us to earn and save as much as possible, as soon as possible. But is it ever enough? Are we really satisfied? Are we happy? Or are we just going on and on because if not this, then what?

What we forget, is that there’s a whole new world of opportunities waiting for us to embrace them. If we just let go of the old and the known. I always felt, it was easier to give sermons than to go through those experiences. Until, one fine day, when I had to choose between a job that wanted me to compromise on my principles and going jobless. It was a tough decision but I decided to go with my conscience. I actively looked for another job for the first few days. I wanted to get back into my old lifestyle, was too scared to let go.

What turned life around for me was an extremely satisfying telephonic round of interview with a prospective client. Near the end, she asked me a very genuine question- how would I cope with an absolutely new environment and people after being with one organisation for 9 yrs? I’ll have to start from scratch. That set me thinking. If I was prepared to put those kind of efforts in settling in a new company, why was I not willing to invest those same efforts in turning my childhood dream of being an entrepreneur, a reality. If I had confidence in my abilities to lead a new team, drive business in a new sector, why didn’t I had the same confidence in starting my own venture.

That was the day – Radiant Expressions by Poojaa, was officially launched and yes, there are times when I feel low or depressed; when I want to push things that are not under my control. But, I took the courage to stand by my convictions and I know I’ll end up exactly where I’m supposed to be. And I’ll be happy. I wanted to share my experience with all those people who get disheartened and feel dejected after losing their jobs. It’s not the end of world. End of the world is when you give up on yourself and your capabilities, when you drown in self-doubt. If we have the capability of running the finance or operations or marketing department in an MNC, we are capable of doing anything. Think how you’d made that great sales or how you’d pacified an angry client or how you’d tackled an over-smart vendor and then decide if you are capable or not.

Men might say that it’s easier for a woman to quit job but trust me, when you’ve been a career woman your entire life and are driven by ambition, the odds are same. There’s not much difference. So, all those people, who are currently in-between jobs or contemplating job change, think beyond. Trust yourself,think what you really want, what makes you happy and then decide. And whatever you decide will be right because it will have your backing.

Image Source: Pexels

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About the Author

Pooja Malhotra

A dreamer who believes that life is bigger than anything that can happen to you. A fighter, a survivor, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend but above all..a woman. read more...

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