Dear Mom, I Wish You Could Love Me For Myself, And Not Judge Me All The Time

A young woman writes a heartfelt letter to her mom, and to all moms out there, asking to be loved, even if they might be a disappointment in many ways.

A young woman writes a heartfelt letter to her mom, and to all moms out there, asking to be loved, even if they might be a disappointment in many ways.

Dear Mom,

How are you? I know I have not asked you this question very often. Not because I don’t love you or don’t like you, but because of the distance between us, emotionally.

Many times, I have tried my best to discuss my problems with you and make you understand what I am going through. But my efforts were pushed away by you, or dumped that easily. Only when I shout or lose myself, you understand that I am not at my best.

But we could have avoided it, if you had taken some time to sit by my side and listen to me. But no, you didn’t. So I hid everything in my heart, and ended up putting on a strong face in front of everyone.

But Mom, I would want to say to all the Moms out there in the world, and to everyone who is going to be a Mom in few seconds or in few months or in few years, just be kind to your own blood because all they have got is you.

You’re their world and they look up to you. No matter how harsh you are or how insensitive you are to their problems, they always see you as their shelter, and want your love and care till they die. They always run back to you because they believe you are the one who truly cares for them. And please consider that they’re not a child anymore who can be beaten or intimidated. They want a friend in their mom who doesn’t see them as an outcaste when they fail at something. Give them your shoulder and lap when they want to cry. But don’t kill them with your words when there are so many people waiting to do that and doing it.

We are just learning about our lives and the people around us, so give us some time to rectify ourselves. We are often directionless, and the pressure is heavy when we are constantly told to stand out and achieve everything under the age of 30. We also want to achieve in life and make you proud, but we are not there yet because we are still growing up, and lack emotional support from you. I am not trying to completely blame it on Mothers but please don’t judge us.

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Yes, many are achieving it, but we are sorry we are not one among them. Be angry at us, but don’t deny us. Scold us, but don’t judge us. Punish us, but don’t outcaste us. We are not perfect, but understand our world and what we want to become. We are constantly working on ourselves, so please lend us your support. Don’t speak ill of us in front of others because we might be capable of what they’re not. Finally, believe in us, we will never let you down.

We all love you with all our heart so don’t look down upon us. Please understand that each kid is different, and each has a different want and dream.

Image source: YouTube

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