Kids Need Quality Time, We Need To Remember That

Kids are an important part of our life, without whom we can't live and imagine our life to be happy. In such a busy life nowadays they need parents' concern for them in such a way that will help them grow.

Kids are an important part of our life, without whom we can’t live and imagine our life to be happy. In such a busy life nowadays they need parents’ concern for them in such a way that will help them grow.

In a rapidly changing lifestyle it’s good to be positive but being negative affects the mind and the soft heart of a child especially. That’s why it’s necessary to take out quality time to kids.

There are some ways through which we as a parents can give quality time to our kids.
1.Try to understand the Real world – To fulfill basic needs today husband and wife both work to earn money, but in the purpose of fulfilling the necessities parents forget that they are somewhere creating a distance between kids and us.

Parents have become so busy that we can’t even take out time for ourselves as well as for our kids.
Parents tend to be physically present with the kids but mentally they are busy in other matters going on in their minds. They are totally involved in a virtual world. Please bring yourself out of this virtual world and try to understand the importance of relations in real life.

2.Take out time for Kids – Nowadays kids are becoming impatient. They began to fight with their siblings even on small things. Sometimes this situation becomes very serious. Kids usually do this when situations become critical. This happens because kids spend most of the time in an imaginary world.

Whatever they hear, they believe it to be true whereas there is a lot of difference between imaginations and real world. On the other hand, the carelessness of parents is responsible for this. Take out time for kids and make a schedule to take them out for a trip within a week or 15 days. It will help to spend time with them and be close with kids as well. This will help the kids to be happy.

  1. First Follow Yourself – People who are used to spending time in different types of social sites usually say, what to do, we don’t have time. They become busy in solving problems of relatives and friends and in suggesting them the solutions. They give advice to others to go on a trip, have fun and suggest them places to go and spend quality time with family but somewhere fail to follow it. So first understand yourself and then try to make others understand.

  2. Give Quality Time- Kids needs sometime for them also from their parents. Parents have time for all the things but don’t have a moment to sit with their kids and listen to them. In this way kids feel loneliness. They want to talk, want to clear their doubts with parents on topics like games, studies, friends & favorite activities.

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But when parents don’t give them time then arrogance develops in a child and it gives rise to change in their personality. Therefore, before time flies, try to analyse the situations so that as a parent you will be able to face them.
Try to understand their soft nature and give them the quality time they need.

  1. Listening is important- If parents want overall development of kids they have to understand their things by keeping themselves in their kids’ shoes – by being a friend and not parents and walking with them side by side so that they should share their feelings without being shy.

By doing this parents would be able to make their kids understand the difference between right and wrong. For the physical and mental development of kids listening to them and spending quality time with them is most important.

First published here.


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