Dear Young Women, Your Dreams Matter. YOU Matter!

Dear young women, spare some of your time to know why your dreams are important, and why it matters that you follow them, says Kavitha Mohan.

Dear young women, spare some of your time to know why your dreams are important, and why it matters that you follow them, says Kavitha Mohan.

As kids we all must have had some crazy fantasies, and dreams of becoming ‘something’ in our life. We kept those dreams very close to our heart like our favourite teddy bear. And we shouldn’t let go of these dreams, no matter what.


Because dreams are the sole purpose of our life. They help us to stand out and give a ‘unique character’ to us among the thousands, and make us a ‘personality’. They tell the world that, we are more than ‘pretty and cute’ faces. Moreover, dreams help us to avoid living a monotonous life, and are a motivation to live among continuous struggles and disappointments.

But apart from these reasons, how do your dreams help you personally?

Your freedom

They make you independent. When you fight for your dreams and make them a career, you are not only financially independent but you have gifted yourself your ‘freedom’. You’re not depending on anyone, nor are you not anyone’s burden anymore.

The BIG deal is that you have your ‘freedom’. The freedom to make choices and not let anyone control you.

You contribute

You contribute to society as well as your family, and you’re a proud contributor now. People look up to you, and you are an example for so many young women out there. People value your opinions and ideas and you’re now not less than anybody in your family or society. You finally found your place on this planet.

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You ‘matter’ to people

Your knowledge is much needed to people around you and you become the life changer for many. They know you have worked hard to reach this position and you’re greatly respected and admired by people. No body can take away that respect or dignity away from you.

You have the knowledge and courage to say “No” to wrong things. As a woman the word “No” is your fence. You’re now your own protector, and your own saviour.

You can reinvent yourself

At times, we sometimes go into much depression and a helpless state, where no medication and companionship works. But when we do something we are passionate about, we are born again, reinventing ourselves by shredding our negative thoughts and sculpting ourself. Be it singing, writing, dancing, coding or trekking, always keep your passion and dreams close to heart.

To conclude, daughter, sister, bahu, are the names given to us by our society, but let’s earn a name for us on our own. We are not just here to earn a good name by abiding by the society, but be more than that. We have more responsibilities to be ourselves, and make ourselves heard and seen for what we are gifted with. Only the name we earn for us is permanent, so don’t let anybody steal that right from you.

Do always keep your dreams close to your heart and fly high!

Image source: shutterstock

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