Is Your Plan For Weight Loss Inconvenient Or Unappetizing Or Uninspiring? Then You Must Read This!

Losing weight is perhaps a very common resolution. It's also a very short lived one. So how do you go about crafting a plan for weight loss that you stick with?

Losing weight is perhaps a very common resolution. It’s also a very short lived one. So how do you go about crafting a plan for weight loss that you stick with?

I used to fail at losing weight because I would just go crazy and do crash-diets. I’m sure this is very common, all of us wanting to get fitter or adapt to a healthier lifestyle! But, this year I did not do what I always do. I followed a diet that allowed me to eat more and did not threaten my sanity.

Let me elaborate on this.

All Or Nothing

When we start a diet, we just cut everything out. No carbs, no sweets etc. But, I think it’s a recipe for failure. I managed to lose about 8-9 kilos this year and I treated myself to a piece of chocolate every single day!

Yes, the weight loss did take longer, but I think you should make it a lifestyle change, i.e, something you can live with forever. If your daily staple is grilled fish with broccoli, chances are you may find it very  hard to stick with the diet. I know I did! It does not mean that you should order fried chicken for dinner, but that have just one piece of that fried chicken.


Water, water and more water. I cannot emphasize enough on this point. Water is not only your answer for water retention, but it also helps flushing out the toxins. Drink like a fish. Yes you may have to visit the washroom a lot more often, but it’s worth it! Plus, water does wonders for your skin, and who does not want a flawless skin?


I know that it sounds very overwhelming when we think about fitting in workouts in our daily lives. Please do not think that you have to run a marathon(already!). You can just start with ten minutes a day. Go for a walk, or put on a Zumba video on YouTube – just move a little and you are good! Again, take baby-steps, start with once or twice a week and work on yourself for more!

Progress Pictures

Click lots of pictures. Weighing scale should not be the only way to gauge your progress. It’s an important one, but so are photographs. The before & after pictures are very motivating and will help you when the scale is not being too good!

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Also, take measurements monthly. You, will be surprised at how many inches you might have lost!

Food Log

You can either make a diary and note everything you eat,  which will guide you if you are eating less or more. If you are into Apps, download the My Fitness Pal app, which will also show you the amount of calories you have consumed in a day!

Take It Slow

Make this a life-style change and liveable. Don’t fret if the changes are slow, or you had slipped off the wagon or you didn’t workout sometimes. This happens to the best of us. We are only human. It will take time, and the moment you accept that patience is needed from your end, you are on the right track.

It’s not easy, but once you start on it, you will fall in love with being a healthier and fitter version of yourself! This is the best time to start, while you are still in the New Year’s resolutions mood!

So, what are you waiting for?

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Image source: pixabay


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I'm a thirty five year old wife & SAHM to twin boys. I started writing as a hobby & decided to explore more. My social media will be here soon & then we can read more...

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