Living In A Joint Family Can Be A Wonderful Experience With Some Understanding On All Sides

Living in a joint family need not be a house of horrors, if only every member showed some understanding and respect for everyone, man or woman.

Living in a joint family need not be a house of horrors, if only every member showed some understanding and respect for everyone, man or woman.

I live in a truly joint family. Besides our parents (my husband’s parents I mean, I don’t feel it right to call them ‘in-laws’ as they don’t behave like typical ones!), we also have my brother in law and my nephew staying together happily. And this, I realized surprisingly, has become a mini miracle, a topic of discussion among my friends and extended family recently. At least that’s what it seems to me from the shock-like reactions I get from them.

Recently, we had my ‘door-ki-didi’ staying with us over the weekend. After the initial pleasantries, with an air of surprise and curiosity, she asked me, “You all look so happy together. How do you manage your in-laws?”

I had to think before I could answer her. Do I really need to manage my in-laws? Is there actually anything to manage there with your in-laws? Do you manage your own parents?

With as much politeness and cool as I could manage, I explained to her that we really don’t manage each other. We just accept each other. She was not convinced and told me that many of our relatives didn’t think that we could manage to stay together much longer. It was great to start living together but not possible to sustain it in today’s age (whatever that means). Some of the ‘nasty’ relatives were nasty enough to tell her that they were actually waiting to check when the news of discord in my family will come out.

I smiled at the confidence of these nasty relatives and assured my didi that no such thing is likely to happen anytime in my life.

It has now been more than two years of us staying together, which we decided after I had my baby. We had our minor discomforts and problems at the start of our living together, which I thought was expected and normal. But after that, we have settled so well into our domesticity! The chores, the tasks, the timing, all have been divided well amongst ourselves as per everyone’s convenience. And I feel extremely satisfied and happy for taking this decision as I can enjoy its fruits every day now. The everyday sharing, caring, jokes, arguments, all make it a cherishing and warm life. And nothing can compensate the love my baby gets from her Dada-Dadi which I thought was the best thing to come out of the arrangement.

But what really surprises me is why people still think it such an impossible mission to stay in a joint family. Many of these people have never stayed in joint families themselves and create some concocted thoughts about it based on films, TV soaps and other people’s experience. We are Indians. We don’t need to be differently explained the importance of sticking together with the family. It’s in our culture and our very own blood. But it’s very sad that people today resent it without even experiencing it.

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The fact is, living together can be the best experience for your soul if it wants to grow, evolve and be liberated. It can teach you tolerance, endurance, sharing, respect and many other things which you might miss out otherwise. And no one can challenge the strength and support it gives in times of emergencies. Of course, the personal space for a couple goes for a toss sometimes. But it’s a small price to pay for the other advantages it provides.

Recently, even one of my friends was in a dilemma whether she should start living together with her in-laws. I tried to explain her the best way I could. But given the option of putting it together, here are some of the misconceptions I wanted to clear about living in a joint family.

  • Living in a joint family is not like living in the big boss house where each person is trying to cut each other’s neck to win. If there is good communication, its like having a party every day.
  • Rather than calling it ‘compromise’ call it ‘understanding’. Whenever there is a disagreement, everyone has to understand and come to an amicable solution. No one needs a compromise then.
  • Mothers-in-law are not the dreaded vamps ruining the lives of their daughters in law every time. Most of them are extremely supportive and proud of their bahu’s achievements. They are themselves very active socially and have no interest getting into useless fights over kitchen politics.
  • Finances can be a problem only if you let them be. Every small issue about money can be sorted out if you communicate and discuss. It is the concern of all in the home and everyone is ready to contribute towards it.
  • You get your personal space for sure. No one questions you if you just lock yourself in your bedroom for a couple of hours to get that rest. Of course, you don’t question it either when you have guests visiting and staying over the weekend.
  • It’s a two way arrangement where you get grandparents to care for your kids and they get your support in the old age.
  • Its really not such a big deal if you want to sleep till 9 o clock sometimes. But believe me, the early morning cup of coffee along with the gossip about Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli can taste much sweeter than sleep.
  • Festivals, family gatherings, get togethers and events are bigger with greater happiness and you have people to share your pains, stress, trials and tribulations. It makes a HUGE difference.
  • A prejudiced mind and an adamant body cannot be expected to realize the importance of the family. You need to be willing to and actually interested in sharing your life with others to get used to the joint family.
  • If you are open, you learn to let go of your ego and accept the people around. Honestly, it liberates your soul and you experience real peace.

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