Starting Work This Year? Here Are A Few Things You Need To Know

If you are starting work at your first job soon, or have begun working recently, these simple tips will come in handy.

If you are starting work at your first job soon, or have begun working recently, these simple tips will come in handy.

How wonderful it sounds to finally start earning! Having your own money to spend on yourself and loved ones means that you will no more be dependent on parents and can pamper your family and friends, buying them everything they want and treating them to great food. You feel independent, confident and all ready to take over the world.

Well, I don’t want to play spoilsport, but here are a few things you need to know and understand if you are starting work now.

There is no substitute for hardwork

Period! You cannot get through your career without working hard. When you are starting work, is the time to learn and grow. Do creative things and explore your skills. You will understand yourself better and also learn more as to which direction you want your professional to go in. Don’t try to get away from work and find shortcuts; yes, there maybe shortcuts that work at times but may not all the time.

Don’t lose your self-respect and self-esteem

You may not completely understand what they mean and stand for now, but in time you will, especially as to how important they are. They will have the power to strengthen or break your confidence. Stand by your values and principles, stick to them no matter what; even when your boss is telling you to let go and do something that you don’t believe in.

The world is not always a nice place!

There will always be men who will want to prey on you. Yes. Literally! Married, unmarried, young and old men who will pursue you to just take advantage of you or to put you down. There even will be women, who will put you down for not behaving in a certain way, not dressing in a certain way they think right. Don’t let yourself get carried away by all these people. Respect yourself and your body. Love your personality and be you!

Having said that, there is no need to put others down to show how well you are doing. It’s more important to be the person you are.

Aspire to grow. Not just on salary!

There is a wrong notion that you are growing in your career only if your pay cheque is growing thicker. Yes, it matters, but it also matters as to how much more you have learnt. Train yourself not just in your role but also train yourself in cross-functional roles. Explore and see where you can add value to your company. Don’t restrict yourself and even more so, don’t be afraid to make your voice be heard.

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Don’t confuse work for your life

Work will always be there; never think of it to be the most important thing in your life. Explore, meet your friends, spend time with your family and most importantly, travel and read books. There is so much more to your life. Your colleagues may or may not turn out to be your friends. Choose wisely and take your time. Don’t forget to have fun. After all, it’s just the one life you have!

Work hard. Party hard. Respect yourself and others too.

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About the Author

Akshata Bhadranna

Feminist, Ecopreneur & a Zerowaste aspirant. Believes that my life purpose is to influence people to be ecofriendly and to help the girls/women of the future be more free - in who they are, what read more...

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