Get Your Kids Involved In Ugadi Cleaning & Make It Fun For The Whole Family

Ugadi has always been the fresh beginning of a year, celebrated in an Indian way. A fresh clean home is the prerequisite before the festivities begin.

Ugadi has always been the fresh beginning of a year, celebrated in an Indian way. A fresh clean home is the prerequisite before the festivities begin.

The auspicious pickle that we make for Gudi Padwa or Ugadi contains all kinds of tastes (sweet, sour, spicy hot, bitter etc) in equal proportion, making it synonymous to all the emotions of life.

I remember how sometimes my younger sister and I tried to sneak in more jaggery to highlight the sweetness and to enjoy the pickle in a bigger portion. Those are the sweetest memories of Ugadi from my childhood.

Around a month before Ugadi, I was in a good mood to prepare spinach-corn cheese sandwiches for breakfast. While all of us sat together relishing them, I went to fetch the last two pieces lying on the kitchen counter. To my disgust, I found two cockroaches roaming on the plate and my precious sandwiches had to go to the bin. These roaches had been a menace for a while now! Had I not seen them on the plate, we would have finished eating the last few sandwiches too!

Every home needs a deep cleaning routine to avoid such possible food poisoning mishaps and #saynotofoodpoisoning. Ugadi acts as a perfect time to get your hands dirty and make your house all clean and set for yet another new year.

As the festival usually falls around the start of the summer break for your kids, let them also help you in a few cleaning activities like below:

Clearing Day

I feel that no home is big enough to store all the things that we stack everyday. Clearing things once in a year will surprisingly give you enough storage space and importantly, get rid of bugs. Ask your kids to sort unused books, stationery, news papers, toys, clothes, expired products, old invitation cards, etc to start with. Kids are good at stacking all these unused stuff; handover some carton boxes and let them take over!

Dusting Day

The nooks and corners of a home can only be cleaned on a well planned day. On this dusting day, get rid of the bugs and cockroaches as they make these corners their home! Hand over a few napkins and a disinfectant cleaning agent to everyone at home and get started. Keep a watchful eye on your younger kids though. My son has a weekly cleaning day at school and seems to involve himself easily in scrubbing, mopping etc as they are more of a routine now!

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Kitchen And Only Kitchen!

If you wish for a disease free atmosphere at home, be prepared to dedicate at least a day for cleaning your kitchen. Without a doubt, the kitchen is a cockroach’s best friend, with mixer grinders, refrigerator, electric cooker, water purifier etc being their favorite spots!

You need to move your kitchen appliances to catch these bugs and a cleaning is required inside the appliances too. You might end up opening the screws as well if you have not cleaned them for a reasonable time. You can happily delegate fridge cleaning to your kids as it is easy compared to other appliances. Assembling the utensils as per size after cleaning, can be another fun activity for your kids.

After the deep cleaning of your kitchen, don’t forget to spray the disinfectant Godrej LAL HIT in the corners, which will kill the last few hiding cockroaches.

Post supported by Godrej Hit #SayNoToFoodPoisoning. Click here to follow the story of a roach and its hidden life in your kitchen.

Top pic via Shutterstock


About the Author

Sowmya Baruvuri

Loves to click pictures, dance, cook, travel, craft, read and write! read more...

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