These Cool Hacks For Chopping Vegetables Fast Help You Spend Less Time In The Kitchen

Here are some useful food hacks for chopping vegetables fast, allowing you to reduce the time spent in the kitchen and enjoy cooking better!

Here are some useful food hacks for chopping vegetables fast, allowing you to reduce the time spent in the kitchen and enjoy cooking better!

Let us go back to basics today. Chopping vegetables takes away a major chunk of time available for cooking. Having good knife skills is not as easy as it sounds. Many of us might argue that it does not really matter what size and shape you cut them into! This is true to a certain extent, but as they say – often food tastes good when it looks good!

And I am sure all those MasterChef TV series’ fans would agree with this – well plated food looks more inviting any day!

My dad is a perfectionist at this. The veggies cut by him all look alike with same dimensions (trust me!). I feel like I am looking at a bunch of cute school children in uniform!

Needless to say, time on a usual weekday morning is precious, and one needs to be smart enough to optimize the time. While planning things ahead might save some time, there are different ways that can be employed to get stuff ready for cooking.

These basic food hacks for chopping vegetables fast come in handy when you are pressed for time and want to cook up an awesome meal without feeling the pressure.

How to cut onions without crying

I bet that this is the first among the food hacks for chopping vegetables fast that you want to know. Let us not cry anymore and follow this smart move here!

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How to de-seed pomegranate quickly and effectively

I am so bad at this that it takes at least 20 minutes to get the seeds out. The seeds popping out all around is an annoyance! There are times when I procrastinate because of this very reason and have a sad looking, shrunken pomegranate looking at me every time I open my fridge, asking me to consume it before it’s too late!

How to cut a watermelon fast

I usually prefer to just cut watermelon into long strips and eat directly, without having to cut them into cubes. It saves both time and effort, and it is more fun eating it that way. However there are times when you have to pack them in a dabba for office/school or an outing. This hack comes in handy during such instances, and what a pretty bowl to serve them too – watch the video!

How to peel a pearl onion

When I made sambar with pearl onions for the first time, it took me forever in the kitchen and I decided against buying them again! My darling kid however loves them a lot, and says, “Mumma, I want baby onion sambar!”

Now here is a quick tutorial on peeling them the right and easy way. I also try to make it an ‘activity time’ with my child and both of us get to work once I blanch them.

How to cut a pineapple

Having to cut the pineapple puts me off from buying it in the first place and it is my dear husband who cuts it patiently when we eventually buy one! However, with kids, you want to introduce them to all kinds of fruits and vegetables and your impatience with a fiddly fruit is really not a good reason for staying away from it!

How to julienne vegetables

I love noodles cooked the Chinese way. To compensate for the overload of flour in it, and to make it more nutritious, I make it veggie rich whenever I make them!

I appreciate the veggies better in the noodles when they are super crisp and thin – and that’s the julienne way of cutting veggies. Julienne vegetables take very little time to cook – just toss them in hot oil for a while, and they are done. Why, then, should it take so much time to prepare them? Here is a food hack to julienne the vegetables.

How to remove coconut from the shell easily

Coconut is an important ingredient in a south Indian kitchen, including its wide usage in the form of chutney on most mornings for breakfast. However the process of getting it out of the shell is time consuming, and the shell is very tough to break too! Watch this video to know a food hack to get the complete coconut out at once.

How to peel garlic the easy way

I was amazed to see this video on a food hack to peel garlic, and am going to try it out soon!

Peeling garlic is such a mundane task. Sometimes in the middle of cooking I do not realize that my hands are a little wet and start peeling garlic, only to curse myself for making the process more messy. We cannot allow a garlic peel to put us off so much, can we?

Image source: youtube


About the Author

Sowmya Baruvuri

Loves to click pictures, dance, cook, travel, craft, read and write! read more...

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