Try These Delicious Chutney Recipes To Spice Up Your South Indian Breakfast!

Here is a list of 10 lip smacking and spicy chutney recipes that make up for a sumptuous breakfast supplement. Try them today!

Here is a list of 10 lip smacking and spicy chutney recipes that make up for a sumptuous breakfast supplement. Try them today!

Cereals might have become the norm of everyday breakfast for many, even in India, but I am pretty sure all of us would ditch that as soon as there is this tempting tempering aroma of Indian spices from the kitchen. Life suddenly looks colourful and exciting when there is some tadka, isn’t it friends?

What better way to kick start the day than some flavouful desi breakfast? Most breakfast items have some accompaniment like chutneys, sambar, podi (spice powders), bhaji, pickle, curd etc to really bring out the flavour and fully enjoy it.

At the same time, cooking this accompaniment (read chutney recipes) is the exact reason to prefer a cereal based breakfast to our traditional ones. Let us list these reasons –

  1. Not having interest/time/energy to cook an accompaniment, especially when you need to make it fresh
  2. Don’t have a preserve of podi/pickle etc at home
  3. Easy access to bread and butter/jam, when bored with cereals
  4. Not planning/semi-preparing the breakfast before you go to sleep the night before

Most of us don’t feel so enthusiastic about preparing a side-dish daily in the morning, and I am no exception! Somehow I have extreme inertia to do anything in the kitchen as soon as I wake up. I can only get things moving after I make sure I had my morning chai over a relaxed morning breeze in the balcony for a good 20 minutes. I know that seems like a long bit of precious time to just chill over a chai, especially in the morning rush, but then that’s my daily dose of really waking up and gearing up for household chores!

Even then I prefer not go back to cereal or bread/jam for breakfast except on rare occasions. Few things like thinking what to cook for breakfast in the morning so you can do soaking etc. if required, keeping roasted peanuts ready, breaking the coconut and scraping it out, etc. will save time and energy for otherwise elaborate chutney recipes.

If you have the habit of eating podi (spice powder) or curd/pickle for breakfast then there is actually no need to think about a chutney recipe for everyday. Although the fact is, how much you enjoy your breakfast is directly proportional to the yumminess of the chutney served. There will be days when the count of dosas and idlis is hard to maintain, when there is a lip smacking chutney recipe to go with it. I would not say anymore and let the chutney recipes speak for themselves on how a dish gets transformed with a delightful side-dish.

Groundnut chutney recipe

This can be conveniently titled as the king of chutneys. I know a lot of people who eat dosa only for this chutney and not viceversa. High in proteins and keeps you hunger free for hours, this chutney forms the power packed meal to kick start the day!

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Recipe here.

Coconut chutney recipe

Coconuts are used to make chutneys for many south Indian dishes. Apart from making a chutney with coconuts, grated coconut can simply be added to almost any chutney recipe for a better texture and taste. My dad’s version of coconut chutney recipe always includes ginger in it. What is your favourite variation?

Recipe here.

Onion chutney recipe

This chutney recipe is to your rescue when you do not have much time and still want to have a side-dish! You can even skip chana dal in the recipe and blend it raw to make it super quick. It tastes great with dosa/uttappam/paniyaram and is great to add as the red chutney coating that you see in masala dosas.

Recipe here.

Tomato chutney recipe

Now when I make this spicy-tangy chutney, I need to spend more time in the kitchen, not for making chutney recipe but to make more and more dosas! This chutney also tastes great with some hot rice and generous amount of ghee or even as an accompaniment to your curd rice.

Recipe here.

Ginger chutney recipe

Ginger chutney is best for its flavour! My mom always makes this chutney recipe in a combination to moong dal dosa/pesarattu. Also it tastes good as a side-dish for your less spiced dals or even as a bread spread when you make it like a thick paste instead of coarse.

Recipe here.

Capsicum chutney recipe

This is a new addition to the list of chutney recipes at my home. Bell peppers give the flavour of a green chilli, but add a bit of sweetness and texture, making it a good fit ingredient for chutneys. You can even add some roasted peanuts to make this chutney creamier and yum!

Recipe here.

Brinjal chutney recipe

The aroma of roasted brinjals from your kitchen will be one of the bests! I have tasted different versions of brinjal chutneys at home, relatives’ houses, functions and restaurants, but this roasted version of this chutney recipe remains the favourite. Try the recipe and know it for yourself!

Recipe here.

Green chillies chutney recipe

Now, people might just wonder what is a chutney recipe made out of green chillies? As we add around 2 green chillies for any chutney, making a chutney out of green chillies is of course unheard of for many! This chutney recipe is only for those extreme spice loving people which can still be had along with ghee, and I advise not to have this too frequently.

Recipe here.

Pudina chutney recipe

Though pudina is famous in the form of green chutney for sandwiches, samosas and chaats, it also be had as side-dish for idli, dosa etc. Here the chutney recipe has an onion-tomato base, which makes it tastes much different from green chutney. I love it that we are blessed with so many ingredients that altering just one or two will give a surprisingly different and mouth-watering taste!

Recipe here.

Raw mango chutney recipe

How can we end the list without a spicy mango chutney in the season of mangoes? This chutney recipe can be made with or without coconut and still tastes wonderful. Try and see which recipe you are going to love!

Recipe here.

Image source: By HHarinisrinivasan (Own work)


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Sowmya Baruvuri

Loves to click pictures, dance, cook, travel, craft, read and write! read more...

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