Is Working From Home Easy As It Seems? A Look At The Pros And Cons

Working from home is the need of the hour for many women. Does it really work? If not, how can you make it work for you? Read on to find out.

Working from home is the need of the hour for many women. Does it really work? If not, how can you make it work for you? Read on to find out.

In the days gone by, women struck a balance between work and home, despite spending many hours at work. It amazed me to see them multitask so effortlessly. Today women have an advantage of working from home, thanks to the numerous work from home options that are available. Never did I think that I would be one among them to make this kind of work style choice.

Initially I was of the opinion that this choice would make things easier for me as I would not have to commute long distances. This would save me a lot of time and in the interim, I would be able to keep a watch over my kid at home. The process was not as easy as it seemed.

The challenges I faced

Working without interruptions – The most challenging aspect of working from home is sticking to a routine as there are several things that could distract you. Attending to phone calls, unexpected visitors, thereafter several distractions from your kid due to their unexpected demands.

The process of completing the house chores and later beginning my work in front of the computer was a bit exhausting. The thought of some pending house chore would continuously nag me and subsequently it would become difficult to focus on my work.

I gradually began to overcome this challenge by getting proper support from my maid and family members. Working at home becomes much easier when you  simplify your daily routine and when you have a proper support system too. Sticking to a structured routine worked well for me. The distractions and simplifying the house work to focus on my writing assignments were two major challenges, that I had to deal with.

Interaction with peers – I also missed meeting colleagues at the workplace and interacting with co-workers. While working from home, one tends to feel isolated as there is nobody with whom you could discuss your work related issues. You begin to miss the fellowship that develops with colleagues at the workplace.

Positive aspects of working at home

Having discussed the challenges, let me highlight the positive aspects I encounter while working at home.

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No long commutes – I don’t have to rush to work, commuting long distances. Avoiding traffic was a big relief.

Taking breaks – I can take as many breaks as possible whenever I feel exhausted, without anybody’s permission. Writing, reading and typing can strain the eyes and back to a great extent. Frequents breaks makes it easier.

Child/elder care – Working at home offers me the flexibility to keep a watch over my child. It’s such a boon for women who have to look after young children and the elderly. I was never comfortable with the idea of leaving  my child at the day care center or with a maid when I am not around.

Home tasks – After completing my writing tasks on time, the remaining spare time is used to prepare a healthy meal. This way I’m able to focus more on my family’s eating habits and personal health. This was not possible earlier when I worked outdoors reason being, most of my time would be spent on commuting.

Dressing for work – I don’t have to dress formally while working at home. I can wear  an attire that I am comfortable in. However, I know of people which includes me, who prefer to dress and begin their work to give themselves a sense of discipline. It also gives you a feeling of working in a proper office environment.

I can now confidently declare that working at home is surely a boon for women who have smaller kids or elders to look after. It’s not easy and you will certainly face challenges in the beginning. However one can gradually learn to overpower them. The pros are certainly more than the cons.

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Image source: working from home by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Diana Pinto

Diana has worked as an Editor/Writer and Content Manager for various digital platforms and hopes that each word written in this space supports, motivates and inspires her readers in India or across seas. Besides read more...

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