5 Feminist Books Every Child Must Read

If you want your children to learn gender equality, here are 5 feminist books every child must read. Go pick them up today!

If you want your children to learn gender equality, here are 5 feminist book every child must read. Go pick them up today!

If you want a gender equal world, catch them young. What a child learns young, will never be practiced as an adult. Here are 5 feminist books, children should read to learn about feminism.

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

The Paper Bag Princess is a classic book that will turn your child into a feminist at any age, I know for sure, because it worked on me. This book is a classic fairy-tale in the beginning, about a princess wanting to marry a prince. However, after a series of unfortunately fortunate events, after saving her prince in shining paper bag armour, her so-called “beloved” isn’t what she needs anymore. Robert Munsch makes a uniquely feminist turn on the usual princess stories and has us all wanting to wear a paper bag out of pride.

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Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

Grace is a girl who knows what she wants – especially when it comes to which role she wishes to occupy in her school play. Obviously, the lead. However, the school play is Peter Pan and as a girl of colour and just a girl in general, this was absurd! But not to Grace, as her grandmother and mother told her she can and should be anything or anyone that she wants. So, she does just that. Amazing Grace is an inspirational book that will definitely show children that they can aspire to be anything, despite the gender restrictions they may face.

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Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

Madeline is a completely fearless little girl who will definitely take a small place in your child’s heart, as well as your own. There’s a little Madeline within all of us, ready to break out and yell “pooh-pooh” at the tigers at the zoo (a metaphor for responsibilities, perhaps). Madeline is extremely brave and will teach your child to be also, awakening the feminist inside your child as they embark on adventures while reading this book.

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The Little Red Hen by Jerry Pinkney

The Little Red Hen tells us a story about a, well, little red hen, who is hard-working, independent, and extremely feminist. When no one helps her grow, harvest and bake bread, she does it all herself. You rock, little red hen! This book underlines important life lessons that children should understand from an early age, that you should help your friends and that you reap only what you sow. The Little Red Hen is definitely a book that will hatch your children into young feminists.

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Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

Chrysanthemum always loved her name, but when she goes to school for the first time, she starts to hate it. Why? Because she’s teased about being named after a flower! Poor Chrysanthemum then feels bad about herself and undergoes a phase most children do in their childhood – bullying. For me, growing up as an Indian in a class full of Americans was very hard, as most people couldn’t even pronounce my name, so I can definitely relate to Chrysanthemum. When Chrysanthemum realizes her special self makes her name special, she is soon envied by her fellow classmates. This book will definitely show your child that it’s okay to be different and discusses the theme of treating people equally, which is truly what feminism is all about.

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Cover image via Shuttersrock


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Currently a student, addicted to writing, eating, music and living life to the fullest. read more...

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