5 Hollywood Movies For Every Woman: Movies That Will Make A Shift Within You

Here are 5 Hollywood movies for every woman. Movies that will touch acord deep within and may be change something within you.

Here are 5 Hollywood movies for every woman. Movies that will touch  a cord deep within and may be change something within you.

Ranging from historically feminist movements to romantic comedies, here are 5 movies every woman should watch and love.

Pride and Prejudice

The Keira Knightley version of this absolute classic happens to be my favorite, although you will find that all the versions of this movie have something special in them that will make you love this story regardless. What makes this movie good is the way the eloquence Jane Austen portrays through her characters in the novel is adapted on screen.

If you love the era of passionate and intelligent infatuation and adoration, Pride and Prejudice is the movie for you. Not only is it sophisticated but it’s also heart-wrenchingly beautiful, the way this film embodies the ‘happily ever after’ concept is one every woman will love.

This movie also touches on the subjects of social wealth injustice and the topic of women having educational value and status. All in all, this movie is loved for a reason.

The Help

The Help happens to be one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. Let me tell you why.

The Help is a book-movie adaptation based off the best-selling novel written by Kathryn Stockett. The story centers on the unfair treatment that black maids, working in white households, had to undergo during the 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. The two main characters, Aibileen and Minny are the first to accept Skeeter’s (an up and coming journalist) idea for a piece on exposing the harsh reality that these black women are slapped with. Perhaps I’m just someone who loves civil rights movies, but The Help is one that every woman needs to see. Everyone needs a slice of Minny’s chocolate pie.

This is a movie you must see for yourself, but let me tell you one thing: don’t forget tissues.

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The Intern

Although this movie focuses on the life of an old man who is trying to find purpose in his life again, we can’t ignore the real inspiration of this film, Anne Hatheway’s character: Jules. She started her own online company while also being passionate and independent. If anything, she’s under the main feminist spotlight in this movie.

The Intern is a feel-good movie that will leave you, well, feeling good.

Pretty Woman

Here’s an “oldie but goldie.” Pretty Woman is exactly what the title suggests, the life of a woman who is living under thefalse façade of being “pretty.” Despite its story-line, Pretty Woman remains an innocent film, where two different souls connect underneath a common ground. This ground, however, changes Vivian forever, helping her find a new purpose in life and realize that she’s above the conceptualization she’s created for herself.

Why should every woman watch this movie? Perhaps you’ll watch it for the positive advocacy surrounding female-negotiating relationships, or possibly for its endearing romantic-comedic charm. Nonetheless, Pretty Woman remains a feminist classic that everyone will enjoy.


Suffragette is one of the newest movies on this list, surrounding the suffragette movement in early 20th-century Britain. Suffragettes were “members of women’s organizations in the late 19th and early 20th century which advocated the extension of the franchise to women.” So, yes, this is a movie about women’s rights to vote, women’s rights to live and women’s rights to be treated as women.

The reason this movie is so haunting and real is because in some parts of the world, women are still not treated as equivalents to males. I believe that movies like this spark up the reality of how some countries need to change and if more women watch and learn about these inequalities, perhaps our voices will be heard. Suffragette focuses on the violent ways women try to acquire the rights they deserve, noting that “the only language men understand is war.”

This movie is a paradigm shift of how much things have changed and how much they still need to. This is why every woman needs to watch it.

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Currently a student, addicted to writing, eating, music and living life to the fullest. read more...

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