6 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Participate In Tweet Chats

In today's world, it is very important to have a strong online brand value. Here are 6 compelling reasons why you should participate in tweet chats.

In today’s world, it is very important to have a strong online brand value. Here are 6 compelling reasons why you should participate in tweet chats.

I started participating in tweet chats last year (2014). At first, it was just out of curiosity. Over a period of time, I realized the many benefits (not to mention, I enjoyed myself too!) and continued to participate in a few chats regularly. Some of the Twitter chats that I’ve been part of are #Bufferchat, #Eduin, #IndiaHrChat, #chrdx, and #hrtrends.

According to a Forbes article, a tweet chat is a live Twitter event, usually moderated and focused around a general topic. To filter all the chatter on Twitter into a single conversation a hashtag is used. A set time is also established so that the moderator, guest or host is available to engage in the conversation.

From what I’ve read, the very first tweet chat (popularly known as #blogchat) was hosted by Mark Collier in March 2009. The response was so good that Mark continues to host this chat every week at 8 PM CST. Each week a different blogging topic is chosen, for instance sometimes it is about personal blogging topics, other times the focus is about business blogging. There are more than 5000 tweets on an average during every 1-hour chat session!

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a corporate, an individual, or a community manager, there are many good things about participating in tweet chats. In this post, I’m listing 6 compelling reasons to be part of tweet chats.

You think

One of the reasons why I enjoy being a part of tweet chats is that they compel you to think on your feet about every pertinent question around a topic. Questions which you’d never think about. By being part of a tweet chat, not only do you have to think, but also publicly state your response. So, you really need to think quickly and respond concisely and creatively (in 140 chars), which is a good exercise for your left and right brain.

You learn

The other most important benefit of being a part of tweet chats is that you learn about the subject under discussion, and a social media skill on how to participate in tweet chats. Most tweet chats involve a combination of personal opinions/perspectives and also a generous sharing of previously-published articles, and resources on the topic in question. So you get access to some of the best online resources around a subject, which is a great learning experience.

You improve your social network 

This is probably one of the most important reasons to be part of tweet chats. Your networks and relationships make all the difference, both in your professional life or personal life, and especially in the socially-connected world. The best way to nurture a relationship is to invest time, valuable content and positivity in it. Most of the regular tweet chats also have a guest on the chat; someone who is an expert in the area and s/he shares his or her perspective on the questions. Tweet chats provide a great opportunity to connect, converse and engage with the experts, thus setting the initial foundation for any future interactions.

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You get diverse perspectives for the same question

This is again one of the key reasons to be a part of tweet chats. Many times I find just listening to many unique and personal responses to the same question as a huge learning experience. Reading the insights and trends, which give you a holistic view on any subject, is in itself a huge take-away.

You can get answers to your own queries

The other good thing, personally for me, is that many times if I have a question, I raise it during tweet chats and I invariably get some of the best answers. So, it is like googling for your query; just that here the responses are from people who know or are genuinely interested in the subject under discussion. And many times there are several global industry experts or gurus who join into these discussions.

You enhance your own online brand

Tweet chats provide you with a platform to share your unique views, voice and perspective based on your experiences and thoughts. It is an opportunity to create and enhance your own online brand. What you say makes all the difference in the online world, and goes on to create and enhance your online brand.

These are my 6 reasons with the only investments being your time, thoughts and a willingness to share. Do you participate in tweet chats? Yes? No? Why? Leave a comment to let me know.

Some suggested readings

List of Tweet chats @ http://www.gnosisarts.com/index.php?title=Tweetchat_Wiki/By_Day#.VCyQImcxNyU

This post was first published at the author’s blog.

Image of a Twitter logo via Shutterstock

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About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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