Why Today, The 1st Of November, Is A Good Day To Start Your Weight Loss Program

Today is as good as any to start that weight loss program you've always contemplated but today does have its tactical advantages. Find out how!

Today is as good as any to start that weight loss program you’ve always contemplated but today does have its tactical advantages. Find out how!

At the start of 2015, I made a personal resolution to loose weight for two major reasons. One, I had gained weight over the course of previous year. Two, I felt that the excess weight was affecting my daily life and work – in terms of energy levels, productivity, creativity, concentration and effectiveness. Both bothered me, so I resolved to do something. After a lot of online research and talking to people in my network for suggestions, I zeroed in on the Paleo diet. Let me confess that the diet program was very intense and I managed to lose 4 kgs in 21 days. After that I found it impossible to sustain as a working mom. So I decided to take it slow and just eat sensibly for a few days. Then came a business travel so the routine got upset. Next came festivals (no dearth of them in India) – and festival time is usually filled with celebrations around food. That was followed by work pressures. Then kids falling sick. Then some personal commitments. Then some more travel. Then more work stress. Long story short, before I realized, it was October and my weight was almost the same as what I had been during the start of 2015!

Again that bothered me. So I decided to do something about it and started a self-designed weight loss program around 2 weeks back. All it involved was:

  1. Drink water in abundance – especially after you wake up and before going to bed
  2. Have an early dinner; no solid food after 7:30 PM
  3. No carbohydrates for dinner
  4. Increase intake of fruits (dry fruits) and salads or vegetables
  5. No matter what, squeeze in 20 mins daily for exercise – in any form. Walking, running, taking the stairs, Yoga.

I must confess that it was hard to start but I can already feel the difference. I feel more fresh, active and energetic when I wake up. Clothes fit me better.

But I have a lot way to go.

So I was wondering that may be 1 November is a great day to start a new weight loss program. Here’s why!

  1. You have only 2 months of the year left to follow it – and 2 months sounds more doable that 12 months of a year when you start in January
  2. You can motivate yourself with some self-love and pampering for new year -a new dress, a new look, a gift for yourself or something you really want. And personally I find that the motivation makes all the difference in how long you continue to follow a specific diet programs
  3. It is the onset of winter – So there are lots of fresh fruits and vegetables which are perfect for salads and nibbling
  4. The day is shorter – So you can easily go to bed sooner and get all the rest you need, even if you eat less / early

“The woods are lovely dark and deep

But I have promises to keep

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And miles to go before I sleep

And miles to go before I sleep”

– Robert Frost, Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

What’s your promise to yourself this 1 Nov? Leave a comment to let us know.

Image via Shutterstock.


About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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