Are You On A Weight Loss Journey? Here Are 9 Things You Should Understand Before You Start

There are many ways to lose weight. Here's what I learned from my own journey. You can make it work for you too.

There are many ways to lose weight. Here’s what I learned from my own journey. You can make it work for you too.

Over the past several years, I have attempted to follow more than 10 types of diets. Some worked. Many did not. After doing all these diets, am I at an ideal weight? No! So what did I understand about myself, my body and how weight loss works from personal experiences? Here are 9 things you should be clear about before setting out on your quest to achieve your weight loss goals.

Why do you want to lose weight?

The big WHY of weight loss makes all the difference in anyone’s attempt to loose weight. Be clear on why you are doing it and what is the priority of the weight loss program in your life. What are you willing to let go to invest in your health? TV time, Facebook time? Twitter time, more?

Have a very specific weight loss target

I have found that I have lost weight every time I know what I am working towards. Weight is a mind game and more specifically a number game. So it can be lose 1 kg in 1 week, or 60 kgs by Dec end. Whatever it is – you should have a time duration and clarity of what you need to achieve.

Everyone’s body is unique

Every body is created in a unique manner. So also your body will respond differently to a specific diet / exercise plan as compared to others. Listen and respect your body.

Understand your metabolism

Body metabolism slows down (significantly) after an age in life and time of the day. So either you are born lucky with a great metabolism or respect that reality and find ways to keep your metabolism high no matter what

There are no short cuts

In general, weight gain is easier than weight loss, especially if you are a working mother. There are many ways to lose weight but there is no short cut to weight loss. Factors like your diet, your exercise regime, your current medical condition and your genetics make all the difference. There are, of course, many short cuts to weight gain!

Not all calories are created equal

In general, many of us are guilty of consuming more (unhealthy) calories than we actually need on a daily basis. The only way to change the way you life is to track where you are making mistakes. Use apps or tools to help with tracking.

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Find a way to motivate yourself

Self-talk and motivation are essential to keep going on a daily basis. There will be good days and bad days. They key is to keep going, no matter what.

Healthy weight loss takes time

Healthy weight loss takes time. So be patient. Be focused. And most importantly, track your progress religiously. A trick is to use the same weighing machine, and weight yourself at the same time of the day and with the same kind of attire (be it with a trouser or a frock)

It’s okay to go off-track

If and when you have  strong urge to deviate or if you do deviate, let it pass. Just come back to complete what you originally set out to do. After all, the key is to lose weight and invest in your health – and till that happens, just do it!

What have you understood about weight loss from your personal experiences? Leave a comment!

Image via Shutterstock.


About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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