15 Life Lessons Learnt As A Woman That I Can Take Forward With Me In 2016

Experience is the best teacher, and our place in society often determines what we learn. Here are 15 life lessons learnt as a woman that the writer would want to take forward into the new year.

Experience is the best teacher, and our place in society often determines what we learn. Here are 15 life lessons learnt as a woman that the writer would want to take forward into the new year.

2015 has almost come to an end. The time for most of us to look forward to the new year and a new beginning. And also the time for self reflection and quiet introspection on what life taught you this year.

In this post, I am sharing the 15 life lessons learnt as a woman that I shall take forward in the new year.

(1) Health is wealth. This is especially true for a woman (and more so if you are a mom). In moments when I have not been at the best of health this year, I realize how much I have taken for granted and how important it is for me to consciously invest in health.  3 things make all the difference – regular exercise, healthy lifestyle (diet included) and sufficient sleep. I’d also strongly suggest the intake of medical supplements to strengthen your diet (especially if you are a vegetarian). In my personal case, a severe Vitamin D deficiency caused significant health issues but once I started Vit D supplements I felt so much better in a month.

(2) When you need help, ask for it. Worst case they will say No. So what? As if all your life you always get Yes as the default response? Best case you will get help. Ask more often. And choose professional help if and when you need it – Always best to go to the experts right?

(3) Invest in a trusted group of women friends who you can fall back on for all the good, bad and ugly that life throws at you. They are your lifeline.

(4) It is important to sometimes say No to others so you can say Yes to yourself.

(5) Learn to love numbers and data – That is one of the best investments you can make for yourself. Be it to manage your money, or to prove a point – this is what will get you a ear!

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(6) Invest in one skill in which you are the best; That is what others should associate with you. Achieve perfection and mastery in it.

(7) The most important relationship in the world you have is with yourself. Accept it. Nurture it. Invest in it.

(8) Every year, buy something expensive exclusively for yourself. Be it a designer outfit, an investment policy or a kitchen gadget. I’ve met too many women this year who said they never bought for themselves because they thought the family needed the money / resources. In all cases, the family was surprised to hear this, and always said, “But you should have just bought it if you liked it.. We never told you to give it up.” No need to be the martyr all the time in and for the family.

(9) Invest some time regularly when you do ‘Nothing’. The Nothing Time as I call it – in which I have no goals, no expectations or no superwoman targets of myself. Just let it all be. Go with the flow.

(10) Choose your battles wisely – at work and at home. Not every battle has to be fought. Ask yourself why a particular battle is important, and if the answer is justified -go for it.

(11) Think before you speak – especially with your mother, kids, mother-in-law, maid, spouse, and team at work. I’ve seen that what you say to them usually comes back to you. 🙂

(12) There is phenomenal power in silence – Embrace it. Many times it does you more good than you can imagine.

(13) Pick up one new hobby every year – Something that you really enjoy, have been putting off forever and that really rejuvenates your spirit.

(14) Don’t sweat the small staff – A lot of it is too petty and just not worth your time, so let it be and let go.

(15) Enjoy the journey – after all, that’s what counts …

So what are your lessons? Leave a comment to let the community know.

Image source: blank list of priorities by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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