Dear Home-maker, Here’s Why You Are Valuable!

Home-makers are often taken for granted, by society as well as their own selves. Here is why you must take care of yourself, dear home-maker!

Home-makers are often taken for granted, by society as well as their own selves. Here is why you must take care of yourself, dear home-maker!

For a child coming with tears in his eyes, and for a man who is almost depressed with the ups and downs of his career, for a house which strives  to be organized, and for a kitchen waiting for you to go and enliven it – you have to be a strong person, and not just a home-maker. Gone are the days when you had to be the one who sacrificed everything for others. Today, to cope with the expectations of others, you have to first understand your own needs and importance in other’s lives.

You have to really understand that the whole journey of happiness, growth, improvement, learning, and gaining strength has to be initiated by you, and with you. To be a confident, successful, and good mother you first have to learn to nurture yourself.  To be a support to your partner you have to be content yourself. To make a cheerful house, you have to be happy first.  To prepare healthy food, you have to be physically sound first. It’s you where the line starts.

We women are taught not to keep ourselves as a priority. Our needs, happiness, and well-being often take a back seat.

In other words, to be the centre of the lives of others, you have to be the centre of your own life first. We women are taught not to keep ourselves as a priority. Our needs, happiness, and well-being often take a back seat. We are brainwashed and cultured for centuries already, so for many coming centuries we will have to keep revising and spreading the lessons of self-reliance and self-respect.

There are women who are the ‘achievers’ – they go out, work, attain success, and live a happy and content life.  But a good majority of us still choose to be home-makers  – sometimes as a matter of helplessness, sometimes for kids, sometimes only because our husbands are in transferable jobs. There are many reasons behind the kind of life one is living but there is always this necessity that we be the focus of our lives. We must value our status of a home-maker.

Had it been a little easier to bring up kids, stay at home, take care of everybody in the house, manage the kitchen and a thousand other household affairs together, men would have already chosen to stay at home.

There are a few things which every home-maker should know and understand. Had it been a little easier to bring up kids, stay at home, take care of everybody in the house, manage the kitchen and a thousand other household affairs together, men would have already chosen to stay at home. Had it been easy to be dependent and remain confident at the same time, men would have chosen this too.

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Had it been easier to live a totally unacknowledged life at home for years in a monotony, men would have been found at home only. So, the moral of the story is – what we are doing in life takes real courage. Be in admiration of yourself, be your own priority, and most of all, be in love with yourself.

Pic credit: Image of a home via Shutterstock



About the Author

aparna dewal

a writer, a woman, a human, a phoenix.......

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