I Believe In You, Do You?

When so many people pull down a woman's confidence, sometimes, all she needs to hear is 6 little words: I believe in you, Do you?

When so many people pull down a woman’s confidence, sometimes, all she needs to hear is 6 little words: I believe in you, Do you?

There are a few topics of genuine interest for people from the Indian male fraternity. Cricket, Bollywood (with special emphasis on Katrina Kaif), Politics, General Affairs (including the US, Japan, China, Pakistan et al), Cars, Gadgets and Technology (mobile and tablets included because I used this word fairly loosely and broadly) and Women.

Under the topic of women, a few sub-categories get more interest than others. One of them is the topic of ‘a woman driving a car‘. “They don’t know driving”, “They can’t drive”, “I bet it’s a girl driving that car”, “She can never get the parking right”, “Reverse parking and her? Pray for the owners of the other cars”.

I heard all of these words (and more) for a large part of my growing up years, and continue to hear them even today! Somehow somewhere, I believed it to be true. Consequently, I could not get myself to drive a car for several years.

One fine day, I decided I had to learn car driving. I can’t recall why, but this one burning desire consumed every waking moment of my life. And so I enrolled in a driving school. Unfortunately for me, during one of those learning sessions, I had a ‘head-on’ collision with a private bus. Fortunately for me, the car and I survived.

Almost all the boys/men I knew said, “I told you so! This is not meant for you.” I listened to them and believed it. As a result, I stopped the lessons and driving. After a few years, I mustered the courage to again enroll in a driving school. I completed the course and got my driving license. But the lack of confidence and fears persisted. So I rarely drove.

After a few years, I got fed-up being dependent on others for ferrying me around. But I still lacked confidence, so I decided to refresh my driving lessons. Thanks to a friend who offered to risk putting his life at stake with my amateur driving, I laid my hands on the steering wheel. I drove like an amateur. If I saw vehicles come near me, I’d steer away. If it was a big vehicle, I’d freeze and give way. If there was a junction in sight, I’d pray for it to be clear (along with a list of bribes to the Almighty!)

If there appeared to be traffic ahead, I’d wish all the vehicles disappeared by the time I reached. After a few patient days, my friend had THAT talk with me. He said, “Why are you so scared? Rather, what are you so scared of? I’m the one who should be scared since you are driving. But I’m sitting here – happily next to you in spite / despite your driving skills. If you do drive, drive like a king. The road is yours to take. I BELIEVE in you, do you?”

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That was the moment it all changed for me, and driving a car has never been the same again.

As I look back to connect the dots of my life, I have been fortunate that I’ve had people who believed in me at the most vulnerable and decisive moments of my life. From my family, friends, teachers, colleagues and managers at work – they all had their way of saying this to me “I BELIEVE in you, do you?” 

6 simple words, but truly powerful and truly transformational. I speak from experience here! Coming to women at the workplace, it is no different. Almost every working woman I’ve come across (irrespective of age, irrespective of ethnicity, irrespective of seniority, irrespective of past successes) has a lot of these moments in her career. Moments of self-doubt, uncertainty, questions and fears around her capability, competency and value. Not once, not twice, but very many times. And to help her cross the chasm during these moments, many times all she needs to hear is, “I BELIEVE in you, do you?”.

Trust me, it can shape, influence and steer her career in unimaginable ways.

Pause and Reflect:

When did someone last tell you, “I BELIEVE in you, do you?”

When did you tell someone, “I BELIEVE in you, do you?”

When did you tell a woman, “I BELIEVE in you, do you?”

When did you tell a working woman, “I BELIEVE in you, do you?”

You have a chance today…“I BELIEVE in you, do you?”

First published at SHEROES

Pic credit: alc_chris (Used under a CC license)


About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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