To The Women Who Made My World Go Round In 2013

To the women who made my world go round in 2013 - A lovely note of thanks for all the sisterhood!

It is December 2013. The end of another year. This month is usually the time for me to get pensive, reflective and introspective about the year gone by. And as I pondered about 2013, I could not help but acknowledge, appreciate and express gratitude to all the women who made my world go round in 2013!

Now, I was looking for an apt quote to go along with this post. What stood out were these: (Sigh!) “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”, “Behind every successful man there is a woman and behind her is his wife“…I didn’t find one which was apt for this post, So I made my own quote: “Behind every working mother, there may be a man.. But there sure are very many WOMEN.

This post is a tribute to the women who made my world go round in 2013.

MY Mother : She is the reason my world exists, and I exist in this world. The thing about mothers is that they can work their magic on you – irrespective of your age and ailment (Be it of the body, mind, heart or soul)!Words can in way describe the emotions and gratitude one feels for their mother. More so, if you are a mother. Suffice to say, a BIG THANK YOU to my MOM, and all the MOTHERS out there. You are the reason the world exists, and you are the reason that the world goes round!

My mother-in-law: She is the reason I married (directly), I became a mother (indirectly) and I can continue to work! A lot of mothers-in-law are the rock solid pillar and foundation in the life of many a working mother. They do everything in their capacity to make it easy for the family. Constantly pushing themselves (the bar and the envelope), today’s mother-in-law is setting and raising the benchmark every single day. THANK YOU to all those wonderfully supportive mothers-in-law who make it possible for your daughter-in-law to pursue a career, live her life and fulfill her dreams.

My sister: The bonds of sisterhood are precious. Be it your own sister, cousin sister, an acquired sister or soul sister – there is something about these bonds which make them truly unique and special. To all those sisters out there, who always lend a ear, shoulder, home, tear, hug, advice, light, hope, dream, wish, time and share – THANK YOU for always being there, even when no one else was!

My girl friends: Girlfriends are like that rainbow on many a gloomy and rainy day. You don’t realize how special and significant they are on the sunny days. But come rain/wind/storm, you know that you need to connect with them (in the real/virtual world) to sail through whatever life has to offer. To all those girlfriends who add that zing, zang and zest in your friends’ lives, THANK YOU!

My daughters: The thing about children (especially young daughters) is that they admire you, ape you, adore you, love you just the way you are – irrespective of your shape, size, appearance, age, style, words, deeds, and everything else. And they compel you to ponder and wonder if what you are is the best possible YOU! More often than not, the answer will be a NO! So the best thing is that they challenge you to be the best possible you, and that indeed, can change your outlook on yourself, the world and your daughters. So to all the young daughters out there, THANK YOU for being the catalysts and harbingers in this transformation!

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My house-help: If you live in India, the one woman you DO NOT want to mess with is your house-help. They do everything you can’t do, don’t want to do and don’t like to do. And you realize what an important and integral part they are of your life , especially if you are a working mother.  In simple words, they just make it feasible and possible for you to live! So a BIG BIG THANK YOU to all those women who dare everything, just so that someone else has it better in life!

The women from the online world : The women from the online world surely do make a difference in my life. They motivate, they inspire, they lead, they share, they care, they express, they confess and most importantly, they support – in many small and big ways. So THANK YOU to all the awesome women who leave a digital footprint which (possibly and probably) makes a difference in the life of another woman!

ALL the women who read what I write : Last but not the least, a BIG THANK YOU to all the women who read what I write. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for reading ME

And as I conclude, Special Thanks to Aparna from Women’s Web for giving me this platform and opportunity to write. And here’s wishing 2014 to be a fantastic year for Women’s Web as you scale to great heights! Best wishes for continued success..

Thank you to all the wonderful and awesome women out there, YOU ROCK THE WORLD!



About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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