The Power Of A Woman

The power of a woman - where does it really lie? An interesting poem on the power of women.

The Power of a Woman
Is in the eye contact she makes
Is also in the eye contact she refuses to make

The Power of a Woman
Is in the smile that says so little, and yet so much
Is in the silences which say nothing, but communicates so much
Is in the words which mean nothing, and yet mean so much
Is in the actions which say it all, and yet don’t give it all away

Power of womanThe Power of a Woman
Is in what she knows
Is in what she chooses to share
Is in what she chooses not to share
Is in what she knows and how she says it
Is sometimes in what she does not know
Is sometimes in what she chooses not to know
And is sometimes in what she knows, and chooses not to say it

The Power of a Woman
Is in the many secrets she knows
Is in her own secrets that no one knows

The Power of a Woman
Is in the money she holds
Is in the money she controls
Is in the money she spends
Is in the money she saves

The Power of a Woman
Is in the choices she can make
Is in the decisions she can influence (with a smile, nod, blink or word)

The Power of a Woman
Is in the way she thinks
Is in the way she nurtures
Is in the way she cares
Is in the way she loves
Is in the way she endures
Is in the way she asserts
Is in the way she braves
Is in the way she questions
Is in the way she answers
Is in the way she responds
Is in what she can give you
Is in what she can take away from you

The Power of a Woman
It exists
You can see it
You can feel it
You can hear about it
You can experience it

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*Photo credit: Omnos (Used under the Creative Commons Attribution License.)


About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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