domestic violence
Why Domestic Violence Is Such A Well-Kept Secret 

The domestic violence cases that come to light or are reported is just the tip of the iceberg. Why do so many women stay silent?

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Why Do Courts Need To Educate Us Even In 2024 That A Man’s Chromosomes Decide Child’s Gender, Not Woman’s?!

It is shameful that in today's world too, women are abused and even killed for giving birth to a girl, and the infant's life is also of no value.

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How Dare You Waste My Son’s Money?!

My friend had to just finish the last year of her MBA, but her MIL would neither let her do that, nor earn, and have no say in money matters.

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We Should Stop Glorifying Rashmika Mandanna’s Geetanjali From Animal!

I get that it’s Rashmika's movie, but as an actor and a woman, a bit of social responsibility wouldn’t hurt, right?

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When Men THINK They’re ‘Modern’, They’re Often At Their Patriarchal Worst!
Sakina's Kiss

One is left wondering about who is worse- the men who make no excuses about being patriarchs, or the so called progressive men who still want to control their wives and daughters?

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A Brief Overview Of Domestic Violence In India
Domestic violence in India

Despite governmental efforts, domestic violence persists in India. Ensuring law enforcement is crucial for societal welfare, as it adversely affects women's well-being and the entire family.

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