Author’s Corner: With Meghna Pant

Meet Meghna Pant, Author of One & A Half Wife. This is your chance to meet exciting new Indian authors, and win an author signed copy too!

In the ‘Author’s Corner’ series we shine the spotlight on promising first-time female authors. Hope you enjoy reading some fun facts about them!

Meet Meghna Pant, author of One & A Half Wife – a novel that traces the coming-of-age of multiple characters in contemporary India.

If you had not become a writer, what would you have been?

I’d probably have been an unsuccessful chartered accountant.

What is the best thing about being a published author?

The best thing about being a published author is how people come together for you in a show of support and love. So many long-lost friends and acquaintances have surprised me by coming for my book readings or getting in touch to say they bought my book. People have been writing in from all over India to tell me how they couldn’t put the novel down, that it is well-written and a page-turner, and that is really touching.

What is the hardest thing about writing a book?

There is not a single easy part about writing and publishing a book. I’d naively thought that writing and editing a book – with months of hard work – was enough for a novel. But then you have to find a publisher, go through re-edits, and once your book is out, you have to market it. It’s an intense commitment of at least two-three years, and definitely not for the faint-hearted. That said, I’ve loved every moment of it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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If you were a man, would there be anything different about your book?

It would probably be titled ‘One & A Half Husband’, which also happens to be the most popular title suggested for a sequel of One & A Half Wife.

Who was the first to read your book? What was their first reaction?

It was Prita Maitra, my editor at Westland. When I sent her my manuscript, she replied in two hours that she was really enjoying it. In two days she said she loved it enough to sign me on. Such kind of confidence in a new author was really inspiring and honestly, a big relief.

One book you would love to have written?

I wish I had the tenacity, largesse and writing prowess of Ayn Rand. I love her work, her ideology and characters.

Future literary plans?

My collection of short stories is ready for publication. I am also in the early stages of writing my second full-length novel based in – and between – India and China. It is a dark comedy that portrays a family’s greed, lust and power, in the wake of geopolitical tension.

Thanks Meghna!

*Photo credit: Meghna Pant.

Now dear readers, a book giveaway for you!
Answer this question: Guess: what does ‘One & A Half Wife’ mean?

Just leave your answer as a comment below – and one winner will get a signed copy of One & A Half Wife!

Please note: Only 1 comment per person. The book can only be sent to a valid address in India. Giveaway closes on 9 AM IST 2nd July 2012.

So what are you waiting for? Comment away!

Update: Giveaway closed. We have a winner!

Meghna has chosen Namrata’s comment as the prize-winning one! Congrats Namrata! Please mail your postal address and contact number to [email protected] and you’ll get your author-signed copy of One & A Half Wife soon.

Thanks for participating everyone and stay tuned for more such exciting giveaways!

Previous Interviews in Author’s Corner:

Eowyn Ivey of The Snow Child

Shakti Salgaokar of Imperfect Mr.Right

Himani Vashishta of Princess of Falcons

Lata Gwalani of Incognito

Nina Godiwalla of Suits

Urvashi Gulia of My Way Is The Highway

Kiran Manral of The Reluctant Detective

Ameera Al Hakawati of Desperate In Dubai

Judy Balan of Two Fates


About the Author

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