Being Lazy: A Poem About Those Numbing Day

Poem: Being Lazy — On weekdays, I wake up to questioning eyes, melancholic eyes and eyes full of despair, with the desire to do nothing but sleep and wander in dreams.

On weekdays, I wake up

to questioning eyes, melancholic eyes and eyes full of despair,

with the desire to do nothing but sleep and wander in dreams,

Father bears an angry expression,

Mother, a defensive look.

The others just too derisive,

And me all consuming to do nothing.

A yawn here, a yawn there,

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lazy ache in the body,

with little numbness in the head.

No one speaks to me,

anger so intense in their hearts.

But I swim in my bliss.

Ah! It’s so beautiful with a cup of tea in my hand,

while I half open my eyes and feel the earthy smell that pervades the house

I shut my self when I see the time, the date and years going by…

I close my reasoning,

take a deep breath and lay myself down

on a sun-soaked couch…

The bliss in my heart and mind, so serene and unseen.

Image source:Tuiphotoengineer free on Canva Pro

A/N- If readers are exhibiting signs of depression and feeling mental fatigue. Please seek professional help.

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