Career Change Needs Courage But As I Realised, Quite Possible With The Right Support!

There was a time when the term “change” itself was looked at with a sort of disbelief, so obviously the term “career change” was unheard or rather seemed impossible. I was taught or rather quite rigorously trained to become a dentist. But years later, to be specific a quarter century later, I have transformed to become a language expert.

This transformation was not at all easy, but today looking back, I definitely feel that it was worth the hardships I faced.

A chance that led to this change

From my high school, I was passionate about English and its intricacies. However my father was very intent on making me a doctor and I also believed that this was my calling. So, after completing my graduation in dentistry, I set out practicing my profession. But, slowly I began to realise that I was not cut out for the profession nor was enjoying doing it.

Then I chanced upon an opportunity to manage a play school for a short period of time which actually led me to the field of teaching.

For the first time in my career, I was enjoying what I was doing. What began with teaching pre-schoolers, then progressed to teaching English at an institute. Later, I started teaching students IELTS , then PTE and for the last two years OET (Occupational English Test). All these are language proficiency tests that students and professionals have to attend and clear if they want to migrate to English speaking countries either to study or work.

Challenges in this new field

I had to teach keeping in mind that my students might require me to be bilingual as I was teaching them advanced English, when some of them were not even familiar with basics of the language.

Teaching PTE was a greater challenge as it was a time bound test which was new so I learned it myself and then formulated tactics to teach it effectively.

OET on the other hand, I would say is my ‘cup of tea’ as it is completely related to the medical field as it is for medical professionals.

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Being a doctor, the first question I faced at all interviews was why I wanted to take up another profession. It was not easy convincing the interviewer or my mother. But, my husband supported me and my passion. My journey was not an easy ride as I had to learn by doing and teaching is a very trying profession. During the course of my career, I also learned and attended other exams to get a hang of it.

To ward of questions related to my ‘old’ profession, I did a post-graduation in literature. I ended up doing a post-graduation in a subject entirely the opposite of my graduation which was very challenging for me, initially. But, I managed to complete it with a first class. This gave me a greater hold in my profession and made me more focussed.

Career change needs courage, but it’s not difficult with the right support

Over the past few years, I have met quite a few people who have shifted jobs and I feel that now people are courageous enough to take this leap. But, as I mentioned, we need people who support us and believe in us. As such, the change is overwhelming for the person and it takes time for one to gel with the new environment and its nuances, but if our support system is good, the change becomes an easy slide.

Teaching is a profession that is a passion for me. It came very easily and for me each day is a new experience. When your passion gives you your daily bread, life becomes less stressful and more enjoyable. We become more productive and we begin to create a network of people who we can inspire and promote. However, I would also like to proclaim that teaching is not possible by everyone as it is not just providing information but giving it in a way that your students understand. For this you need to understand the pulse of each of your students. It might require you to customize according to their needs but make it seem easy.

I interact with my pupils and make them quite comfortable before proceeding to impart knowledge to them. They might not be ready to open up, but slowly they unravel themselves which makes teaching them easier. This helps me to suggest the right techniques for them to study. So, I definitely feel that I was destined to become a teacher and I value my profession, a lot.

Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Mary Binoy

Presently working as an English tutor, a dentist by profession, but a writer forever. Love penning down everything I strongly feel about and create a change in mindset, especially among the youth. read more...

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