Traya Review: How This Customized Hair Fall Treatment Helped Me!

I've routinely oiled, shampooed, and got a spa for my hair. Yet, my hair-fall problem didn't stop! How did I fix my hair-fall concern? I switched to Traya.

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved playing with dolls–my favourite task was to comb their silky smooth hair with the little plastic comb that came with the doll’s box set. I would squat in the garden beside the marigold bushes and spend hours playing with the synthetic hair, all in an attempt to replicate the care my grandfather showered on me.

My grandfather would religiously sit with me every Sunday, and oil my hair with warm coconut oil. No one better than him knew the pain of having thin wavy hair that tangled up like cobwebs. Caring for his grandkid’s hair was his way of showing love and teaching me how to groom myself.

I’ve inherited the Sunday morning hair oiling ritual and the wonderfully unpredictable, wavy hair from my grandfather. I affectionately refer to it as hair with a mind of its own, as there hasn’t been a day when my hair hasn’t been a bit temperamental. On a rainy day, it is greasy, on a hot day itchy, on a cold winter morning frizzy! When I need it to stay straight, it dances like a flag in the wind and when I want the messy look, my hair mimics soaked wool!

Needless to say, I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. I love that it has its own personality, but I hate that I constantly have to look for products to find solutions for its never-ending and changing problems! I have spent thousands of rupees in salon treatments, and diet changes to keep them healthy. My breaking point happened when I woke up with an alarming number of hair strands on my pillow one weekend!

Taking care of my hair has been a top priority for me. I’ve always stuck to a simple routine of oiling, shampooing, and even indulging in a regular hair spa. And I was eating right, sleeping right! So why was hair fall a sudden concern for me?

My grandpa had already passed away, so I couldn’t share my worries with him about losing my hair early. He would’ve understood how scared I was about going bald while still young. It was a real wake-up call that store-bought products were not going to help me.

I reached out to a few friends and did some research to find the best solutions for my situation. Interestingly, I kept hearing the name Traya being recommended by different friends.

But when my close friend Ranjana swore at Traya’s effectiveness, I got curious.

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She also made me read the multiple Traya Reviews, after which I was reassured and felt courageous. And that made me hop onto my next worry.

What to expect from Traya Products?

Based on what my friends, my close buddy, and several Traya products review online have said, the Traya team has this special algorithm developed by their doctors and researchers which helped them tackle each individual’s needs. To help their customers, they have developed a hair test. This information sent me straight to my next question.

What happens after the test?

Based on my test results, I would receive a doctor-recommended personalized hair loss kit and a diet plan. In my best friend’s case who was availing Traya’s services for a few months then, it was easy for her to follow the treatment plan because they supported her every step of the way.

Besides the treatments from the professionals, she could also talk to a dedicated hair coach. This coach worked closely with their team of doctors to adjust her hair growth plan as needed. It made her journey to healthier hair really smooth and effective.

Encouraged by my best friend Ranjana, as well as after reading all the Traya hair products review, I decided to get the Traya Treatment, to solve my hair-fall issue.

How does Traya’s treatment work?

I’d like to share my Traya’s hair products review because it’s really important. When I started the treatment, I was instructed that I had to follow the steps correctly, to get the results I wanted.

Before I share the details, let me emphasize that Traya’s approach is based on consistency and patience. It took me almost 5–6 months to reduce hair fall and regain lost volume, and that too when I properly followed the plan.

You are not allowed to neglect the steps or feel disheartened when you are going through the hair treatment.

  • Step 1: Hair Test – Starting Point

Your journey with Traya begins by taking a hair test. It’s easy to do at home, and it helps identify what’s causing your hair problems.

  • Step 2: Understanding the Problem

Traya’s experts study your hair test results to figure out why you’re having hair issues. They dig deep to find out what’s really going on.

  • Step 3: Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on your test results, Traya gives you a special hair loss kit and a diet plan. These are made just for you and target your specific hair concerns.

  • Step 4: Your 30-Day Kit

You’ll receive a 30-day kit with products and supplements recommended by the doctor. These are carefully chosen to treat your hair concerns effectively.

  • Step 5: Monthly Kit Renewal

Remember, this is an ongoing process. To keep getting good results, you’ll need to renew your kit every month. This way, you’ll always have the right products and support for your hair.

Continuity is key for long-lasting results. So, it’s crucial to stick with the routine and keep renewing your kit. That’s how you’ll see the best outcome for your hair health.

Be aware that you won’t witness miraculous hair regrowth in a month or two; anyone who says differently is clearly not giving you a complete picture, since this is a process that takes time. Patience is the key, sister!

What were the hair products recommended to me?

The product routine came with clear instructions on when and how to use each item. One standout feature is that these products are customized to address the specific needs identified in the hair test.

So don’t think of sharing your products with family and friends.

I want to share my experience with Traya’s Scalp Oil and Growth Therapy Booster Shots. Many people who have shared Traya reviews online also seem excited about this combo.

These products have natural oils like Coconut, Goat Milk, Wheat Germ, Aloe, and others. They’re made to help your hair grow better and make your scalp healthier. I used them twice a week, and after a while, my itchy scalp felt better. I’m not sure about the final results yet, but I’m hopeful.

Let’s talk about Traya’s Defence Shampoo. It has ingredients like Biotin and Niacinamide, and it’s gentle on your hair. It doesn’t have harsh chemicals, which is great. I had dandruff before, but this shampoo helped clear it up. My scalp feels cleaner, and there’s less dirt in my hair. I enjoy running my fingers through my hair— they feel soft and smooth, just like how my dolls’ hair felt.

Next is the Traya Hair Vitamin Capsules. Again, they have put in Biotin to stop hair loss. I have anemia, so I was curious if they’d help. I read in another Traya review that they helped people with anemia get their shiny hair back, so I am eagerly awaiting my shine to return to its full glory.

Now, the Traya Hair Ras tablets. These contain Ayurvedic herbs that are supposed to make your hair healthier from the inside. I take two after breakfast and two after dinner. Since I have hormone issues, I hope they’ll help.

Lastly, the Traya Gutt Shuddhi tablets. These don’t seem related to hair, but they help with digestion. Good digestion is important for hair health, I found out. After taking them, my digestion got better. I hadn’t expected this, but with better digestion and internal health, the texture of my hair has improved, and it’s more manageable now.

So, these are the things I’ve been using from Traya, and I’m hopeful they’ll make my hair and overall health better.


Is the Traya Hair Test free?

Those of us who take hair care seriously know things can get expensive.  At first, I had my doubts, but all I had to do was complete a free hair assessment on their website to find a suitable product for my hair type.

This is also something mentioned in many other Traya reviews.

Yes, the hair test was free of cost.

Is Traya genuine?

Initially, I was full of scepticism, but over the years, my hair has met many betrayals. Once, a product had given me scabs, thanks to falling for lucrative ads. So with caution, I began my research! I had many questions! The first being, if Traya Hair products were real or fake.

After having experienced it myself, I can assure you that this is completely genuine and even effective.

In conclusion

In a nutshell, my experience with Traya has been quite promising. I want to stress that you shouldn’t expect quick results (it took me at least 5 to see the results I wanted), but I’ve been impressed with the quality of their products and how dedicated their team is.

If you’re experiencing hair loss like me, and you’re ready to invest in a complete solution, I strongly recommend considering Traya.

What makes Traya stand out is its commitment to finding out why your hair is falling out and its personalized approach. After reading my Traya review, if you’re eager to start a journey toward better hair, you can begin with their free hair test.

For those of you still wondering whether Traya’s treatment actually works, let me assure you just like how Ranjana my best friend assured me. This is a straightforward way to resolve the challenge of hair fall and begin the journey to having healthier, livelier hair.

So, why wait any longer? Go ahead and give it a try!

Image source: CanvaPro

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Aritra Paul

Editor at Women's Web. She/They. 30. Bi. Bookworm. Comic book connoisseur. read more...

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