Chasing Goals And Sharing Laughs At Work!

When Ferieda and I became friends, I never imagined that we'd end up working together, but we did, and made it work.

I’m not sure how many people are lucky enough to have their Bestie and Work Bestie rolled into one! When Ferieda and I became friends, I never imagined that we’d end up working together. Fate, destiny-call it what you may had other plans in mind and we were thrown together to work together, a good ten years ago.

We went through many trials at work together

She was new to her position, barely a year into it, and it was a different role from usual that I ventured into. Perhaps the fact that we went through several trials by fire together forged a good working relationship alongside a solid friendship. Through the years we have learned to depend on each other professionally, yet give each other space. I probably (who am I kidding here, I do!) drive her mad with my organisational skills and my need to have everything planned well in advance, while she drives me up the wall with her OCD!

The other day we were on our way to another city to deliver a workshop and were remembering the weirdest things that happened to us whenever we travelled outstation on work. There was this time when we lost our way in the hotel (I kid you not) and held up an entire dinner because no one knew where we were! Or the time where we literally got taken for a ride through the streets of Hyderabad because she was mistaken for a foreigner. I could go on but the funniest so far was on this recent trip where we had been told that a “corporate meal” would be served on our flight. So, there we were all agog with anticipation, scanning the flight menu only to be told that we had a choice between Maggi and Upma. The air hostess had to interrupt our peals of laughter to serve us. We just put it down to yet another amusing incident that we seem to inevitably attract on our travels.

“How have you managed to keep the friendship and not let work come in the way?”

Someone once asked me “How have you managed to keep the friendship and not let work come in the way?”

I think deeply ingrained in both of us is a sense of commitment to our jobs and the fact that we have never taken each other for granted, because we are friends. More than anything, we prize our friendship and the bond we share above all else and so probably work harder at making sure nothing could ever come in the way of that.

I could write a book about us working in the same organisation-the fun times, the stressful times, the many eye rolls we exchange on an almost daily basis-we’ve definitely perfected the art of communicating silently by now. So many experiences but nothing could ever match the experience of working alongside your best friend and making it work, day in and day out!!

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About the Author


Melanie Lobo is a freelance writer. She grew up in cities across India but now calls Pune home. Her husband and son keep her on her toes and inspire her with new writing material daily. read more...

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