Lessons Learned: Life Goes On Despite Grief and Loss

Life is a journey that we all embark upon from the moment we are born. Along the way, we experience a plethora of emotions, from happiness to sadness, from grief to joy, and all of these experiences shape us into the people we become.


Life is a journey that we all embark upon from the moment we are born. Along the way, we experience a plethora of emotions, from happiness to sadness, from grief to joy, and all of these experiences shape us into the people we become.

The memories of these experiences stay with us throughout our lives, and they are the driving force behind our journey.

As children, we experience a variety of instances that affect us in different ways. These experiences can be positive, negative, sad, shocking, happy, or embarrassing. Everyone’s childhood is unique, and people have different experiences that shape their lives.

Life is full of dualities

However, life is a duality that can be confusing at times. As an individual, I am a mix of an introvert and an extrovert. I am extremely extroverted when I am with my family, friends, and loved ones, but I become introverted when I am with a new group or in a new place.

This mixed nature can be challenging for some people to handle, and I have always had a limited number of friends around me. I also have a fear of losing people, which makes it difficult for me to form new relationships easily.

The fear of losing those we love is a common experience, but for me, it had a profound impact on my life. I cannot handle people going away, the goodbyes, the parting, and the distancing. This fear started when my best friend left school because her parents got transferred to a different city.

Why me?

At that age, I was clueless about what to do next, whom I should talk to, and whom I should play with. I kept sulking for days, weeks, and months, missing her, but later, I realized that she was just in a different city, and we could still talk to each other.

Another incident that shook me was the sudden disappearance of my father. Losing a physical human being and digesting the fact that you can’t see them again is horrifying. It changed my life, and I became more silent, sometimes irritated, sometimes crazy, and most of the time, I had one question: why me?

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The initial years were difficult, but soon, my family and I got busy with our lives, and with time, the pain reduced.

Time and life wait for none

I learned that life doesn’t stop for anyone. It keeps going, and we need to start living for the people around us. My mom lived for us, our bright future, our happiness, and our goals, and she still lives, inspiring us in several ways she can.

The incidents were different, but in both cases, I lost people, and I learned that nobody is permanent, and nobody is forever. The only constant is ‘you’ – the self you carry, the memories you make with people, the life you live, the moments you laugh together, and the happiness you spread around. Life changes from dusk to dawn!

Life is short, and we need to live it to the fullest. We should stop complaining about little things, celebrate them, save them in pictures as memories, live each day as it comes, stop expecting too much, respect others, and value time.

Not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance, so make the most of the time you have now.

Image source: CanvaPro


About the Author

Sheru Photography

Sheru is an Indian photographer, cinematographer, writer, and entrepreneur based in New Delhi. He gained popularity with the online handle 'Sheru Photographer.' Sheru's interest in photography began at age 9, and he honed his read more...

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