Yes, Cooking Is Therapeutic: Whip Up a Dish and Smile!

A friend once faced one of the most ludicrous, illogical questions ever. At a potluck dinner where he showed up with an exotic dish, the lady host asked: “Being a man and an engineer who graduated from one of India’s best colleges, how can you still cook so well?” He said he was dumbfounded because he could not draw any connection between his gender, his culinary expertise, and his degree from a top school!

 Let us get rid of a whole bunch of type-casting related to cooking ! 

  • We have been conditioned to believe that only women can whip up delicious dishes. So  whenever any man in the house cooks something tasty, it is usually overhyped! He is praised to the skies. We need to understand that cooking is not a gendered task. It is one’s talent that is behind his or her culinary acumen, and it has got nothing to do with being a man or a woman. Don’t forget chefs like Gordon Ramsey or our very own Sanjeev Kapoor and Vikas Khanna who have taken foodies by storm! And then, you may look around and identify quite a few lousy female cooks. 
  • Cooking is a knack that one might be born with. It is a skill that requires an aesthetic sense just like painting, writing, or decorating one’s house. Don’t factor one’s academic credentials into the equation to judge if they can cook or not.
  • You might have often heard a statement: “He/she had to give so much importance to studying that there was no time to learn cooking”. I would say this: if someone does not have an interest in learning how to cook, that’s a personal choice. But the explanation that time was so scarce that one couldn’t pick up anything is null and void.
  • Let us not look down upon cooking as something demeaning or lowly. I once heard a mom saying, “I have not educated my girl in order to stay home to cook and clean!” No pun intended, but such statements are in very poor taste. If one willingly steps forward to be a homemaker, her decision needs to be respected. Cooking is one of many survival skills, so if anyone chooses to have a career and manage the kitchen herself, she needs to be praised. 

Have you wondered about the benefits of cooking? You will be surprised to learn that an activity that some people underestimate actually has such positive outcomes

De-stress by making a meal!

Cooking can act as a stress reliever when you seek to cultivate it as a hobby. You want your dish to taste well so that you concentrate on something other than your worries and concerns. The experience can be made even more rewarding with your favorite music playing in the background!

Baking triggers the senses of taste, smell, and touch, and when there are several steps to be followed, your focus on that task keeps negative thoughts at bay. It is such a pleasant feeling to see your efforts yielding results with the finished product coming out of the oven! 

Cooking can boost your creativity!

Even if you rank high as an accomplished cook, there is still scope to be a better version of yourself. Trying to figure out which ingredient or technique can make your dish even more appealing and tasty the next time around is itself very exciting.

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One of my son’s close friends is a vegan. So every time I invite him and his parents, it gives me an opportunity to experiment and try something new! I brainstorm to discover substitutes that can replace the non-vegan ingredients used in the cooking.

Embracing and accepting diversity the culinary way!

We cannot be rigid and stick to the belief that our food is the best. Taking an interest in learning about the traditional cuisines of other countries and cultures does not simply expand one’s culinary horizon; it is also a step towards facilitating diversity and acceptance. 

Fusion cuisines these days have become widespread. They form an interesting chapter in the culinary experience.

And the cherry on the top: as a chef, you would definitely love to wish others ‘Bon Appetit

We meet our friends and relatives over food and drinks! Yes, love and warmth matter the most, and it is not just about eating. But to be brutally honest, no one likes to take those bites of inedible food. 

Putting in your best efforts and preparing a meal that everyone enjoys brings immense joy! It is extremely satisfying when the food that you cook is being relished by others and your efforts do not go in vain. You beam with pride, inclined to believe that “Cooking is the ultimate giving!” So don’t be afraid to go on a cooking spree and churn out those yummy moments galore!


About the Author

Rashmi Bora Das

Rashmi Bora Das is a freelance writer settled in the suburbs of Atlanta. She has a master’s degree in English from India, and a second master’s in Public Administration from the University of read more...

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