5 Ways To Increase Productivity And Efficiency

Here are 5 ways to increase productivity and efficiency to keep yourself from burning out and make the most of the time given

Here are 5 ways to increase productivity and efficiency to keep yourself from burning out and make the most of the time given.

There might be several times when you have felt stuck while doing your work. What do you do when your productivity has demised? Scroll while switching to every social media app ever existed, staring at the wall and contemplating where it suddenly disappeared.

For me, it ends up with me holding my head and wishing for motivation to magically come to reappear again. Panicking, sometimes crying in distress, looking up at the post-its stuck on my wall.

But that isn’t very practical and mostly useless.

5 ways to increase productivity

So here is a list of simple hacks that are easy to follow! I have come up with 5 ways to increase productivity could be improved: so gather your notebooks and make points. Let’s be efficient without burning out!

Make a checklist

Write down things that you have done on a particular given day. So that when you’re done with the tasks you can tick on them, seeing this list would cease your panic and help you with your productivity.

It would also give you serotonin as when you tick on the tasks you completed, seeing cute little ticks helps in improving productivity.

Saying this from a personal experience, making colourful peppy checklists and highlighting day-to-day tasks makes your day bright and colourful, not just on paper.

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Avoid distractions

Until the time you are done with one task, at least avoid the use of your phone, and put it on DND. No scrolling of reels or answering calls while doing work.

Don’t engage in conversations with your friends and colleagues, you would not realize how time passed by. Inform them that you’re busy and would not be available for a couple of hours.

Set a timer

For every task set a timer, this timer can be according to your pace of doing work or studying. Keep a clock, the big ringing one so that you’re not dependent on your phone for everything and end up getting distracted.

Setting a timer would benefit in gaining time management with simple day-to-day tasks. By doing this you would be aware of the time moving and realize it would kick in making you more productive.

Follow a proper sleep schedule

Studies have shown that people that get a fair amount of sleep, function in a much more effective manner than people who are sleep-deprived. Getting less amounts of sleep messes up your brain and body, leading to the feeling of fatigue for the rest of the day.

Often it also results in headaches, which makes it considerably harder to focus on the task at hand.

You should get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep by making space for it in your work schedule,  as this would lead to improved productivity.

Give the big tasks priority

Mostly, people like to focus on small tasks since they are easier to finish. But leaving big tasks to the end makes you hesitant to finish them on time.

As when you sit to work, you sit with a fresh mind and put all your mind effectively, but as this mind is put in the small tasks, it is not left for the leftover big tasks. You might have the best home office set up, but the magnanimity of the bigger task might stop you from finishing it!

It leads you to ignore or keep the big tasks in the pending pile and not be able to process them. To avoid this, get finished the huge tasks first, you would have fewer things to work on later.

Only practical implementation will help us

These tips are helpful only when you apply them with due consideration. They are something that has to be followed daily like a day-to-day cycling routine.

One cannot follow this only once and hope for the best. A sleep schedule has to be maintained, and you have to commit to the tasks on your hand.

Do not leave things for the end, as it would only end up with things being piled up. Ending this with the famous quote of Benjamin Franklin, ‘You may delay, but time will not’.

Procrastination is not the key, to a healthy routine, it is the real key.

Image source: William Fortunatu, free on CanvaPro

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