5 Ways: How To Celebrate World Environment Day In The Office?

If you are wondering how to celebrate World Environment Day in the office, then this article is there to help you with 5 simple, easy ideas!

Here are 5 ideas on how to celebrate World Environment Day in the office.

World Environment Day is a global initiative presented by the United Nations to encourage people to find solutions for the growing environmental unrest. Every year there’s a new theme for this day, this year’s theme being ‘solutions to plastic pollution’.

This day serves as an opportunity for people to work together as a community for the betterment of the environmental status of the nation. On this day, people gather for a purpose that is, to protect and find new methods for the protection of our environment.

How to celebrate World Environment Day in the office?

If you cannot find ways to commemorate World Environment Day, then this article is there to help you out. Here are 5 ways that will ensure a celebration that brings awareness!

5 Ways: How To Celebrate World Environment Day In The Office?

Green your workspace

Encourage all the employees to make the workspace more environmentally friendly. By educating your co-workers about replacing plastic mugs with compostable material things. Reducing the use of LED lights with natural sunlight, removing curtains to let the natural light in instead.

Stop using styrofoam cups as they have harmful effects on the environment and welcome paper cups to the workspace. Trying to minimize the printing by restricting it to only major stuff would help to prevent the wastage of trees. Following these points would improve the sustainability criteria of the office.


Composting is an activity that can be followed throughout the year. It does not have to be annual. As defined, compost is the ‘act of collecting and storing plant material, so it can decay and be added to soil to improve its quality’.

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You can reduce the soil from being infertile by just throwing trash in separate bins. The green bin or the ‘compost’ bin consists of all the food material that can be added to the soil. Following the method of composting would help improve the fertility of the soil in the nearby places surrounding your office.

Follow the three Rs

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle the three Rs that have been fed since childhood. By thoroughly following these Rs a workspace could considerably benefit the environment.  Reduce the use of unnecessary things, reuse them until they can be done with, and recycle all the recyclable stuff. 

Tell other coworkers about the essential Rs and make sure they follow them throughout their office terms. If all of them consistently follow these, it would prove to be very fruitful in the long run.

Organize a trivia

Plan a quiz day when all the coworkers would participate. This quiz could consist of environment-related questions. You could dig up interesting questions, so it remains interactive and people don’t get bored easily.

There can be prizes given after getting one round of quizzes right, which will make the coworkers happy in the office by educating them also on the concerning issues relating to the environment.

Considering that this year’s theme is related to beating plastic pollution, employees can focus more on reducing the amount of plastic use and finding alternatives instead. They can try to make their quizzes relating to the choking of drainage pipes. As it is one of the leading reasons for health hazards for people living near the drains.

Plant a tree

Make the learning fun and eco-friendly by giving one sapling to everyone who gets a question right. Planting a tree can be a follow-up activity to the trivia, as the winners would get a chance to choose the plant they want to put under the soil. Planting a tree is always a nice step, no matter how old the idea is. As it promises more oxygen and greenery wherever you work.

This can be done in front of your office or any vast green land that has fertile soil. Choice of saplings would encourage the employees to win the trivia to plant the flowers they wish to.

Be creative but not wasteful

These ideas are yours to follow if you wish to make your workspace more environmentally friendly. You can make them more creative by adding your thoughts also.

Let’s make this year’s World Environment Day more special by bringing a great number of people together. Rather it is your workspace, school or college, these ideas would pave a path for your celebration of this important day.

Following this will educate your coworkers and improve the deteriorating conditions of our ecosystem, so let’s take the initiative!

Image source: CanvaPro

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