6 Ways Of Fatigue Management In The Workplace

Feeling tired on a Saturday morning after a hectic week? Here are 6 ways of fatigue management in the workplace that you can practice!

Feeling tired on a Saturday morning after a hectic week? Here are 6 ways of fatigue management in the workplace that you can practice!

Fatigue, in the simplest way, means exhaustion, and it can manifest in both mental and physical forms. Causes of feeling fatigue are many — with the current hustle culture when people are pushing themselves to the brim; there has been a significant rise in workplace-related fatigue issues.

When we say workplace fatigue, it doesn’t mean office workers are being worked to a state of collapsing from tiredness! Rather, employees around the world are mentally and physically feeling stretched and are at risk of getting into accidents and suffering. Feeling burnout is a common term on the internet, but burnout not only hurts the individual, but the companies they are working for.

The end goal of every job is to create profit and retain productivity, but more than often in our rush to be productive, we test our limiters! And that puts us at great health risk!

6 ways of fatigue management in the workplace

Sadly, stories of long work hours and irregular work shifts are very common! People around the world spend more than 40 hours working, and many reports have shown, irregular working hours, poor sleep cycles and stress are a few of the main reasons for feeling fatigued!


If 8 hours of work hours are mandatory, 8 hours of sleep should be mandatory as well!

Do not cut down on your sleep for the sake of writing down that one report that could’ve been an email. A good sleep every night will help you feel refreshed and help you perform better. Incomplete rest prolongs our misery by making us cranky and angry!


Yes, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, is apparently a myth, but that doesn’t mean we should neglect our thirst. Hydration doesn’t mean we have to drink water. We can drink tea, juices, or coconut water to keep our body and mind active.

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Eating on time

Many office workers, skip breakfast! Some skip lunches! You are working hard and earning money to feed yourself! Do not cut down on your meals because you have work; that email can wait!

Cut down on caffeine intake, eat your meals on time, and under no circumstances replace your meals with unhealthy food. If lunches feel too heavy, and you think they will make you sleepy at work, replace them with a big bowl of fruits or salads!

Taking breaks

Don’t feel guilty about taking breaks between work. It is better to look at an email feeling light-hearted and calm, than with tired eyes. Stretch your legs, and arms, and walk around a bit. Keep your body in motion every 90 minutes! Our brains didn’t evolve by staring at a computer screen!

Take a power nap, close your eyes, plug in some music and let your brain snooze like the morning alarm!


Learn to schedule your tasks, instead of doing multiple things, simultaneously, do a few little things and two main tasks a day. Prioritize between your daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals and yearly goals. Little droplets make an ocean, so tackle your ocean of work one droplet at a time!

Ask for help

Sometimes we can do all the above and still feel we are not doing our best, and yet we are burn-out. Stop stressing, take a deep breath and talk to your employers. More than often, we, the office workers, sideline our personal issues as not important enough! Employers happy to help and accommodate their employees needs; you have to ask!

Not all jobs are behind computers, some jobs are in high-risk places like power plants, factories, and textile mills! If we keep putting our well-being on the shelf, we can be at risk of physical accidents like fainting or equipment management oversight. It’s always better to ask for help!

6 Ways Of Fatigue Management In The Workplace

Work smarter and not harder!

If every Friday evening you are looking forward to a Saturday morning because you have physically and mentally exhausted yourself working and rendering yourself incapable of enjoying a cup of tea; you need to manage your workplace fatigue!

Remember, productivity is cool, but running after goals that you can’t enjoy after achieving them; because you are too exhausted is not cool! At the end of the day, we have to work smarter and not harder!

Image source: fezkes, free and edited on CanvaPro

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Aritra Paul

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