When A Viral Tweet Showed Me The Privilege Of Being A Man

We often don't recognize the privileges that shape our lives, but when I saw this viral tweet of man's daily schedule! Realization hit me, and I understood what a privilege it is just being a man!

More than often, we don’t recognize the privileges that shape our lives, but when I saw this viral tweet of man’s daily schedule! Realization hit me, and I understood what a privilege it is just being a man!

Recently, a tweet went viral. It showed a daily schedule of a man. Apart from the typo that everyone pointed out (we are all humans and typos, like viruses, do sneak in), what stood out was that the schedule was totally focused on the man and his work.

The replies (predominantly by men) to the tweet showed they too followed a similar schedule. Days filled with workout/meditation/work/nap and me-time.

How does a working woman’s daily schedule look like?

Looking at the thread, I remembered my friend, who worked in a corporate office. I am sharing a broad outline of her schedule.

  • 5:30 am: Wake-up and start the prep for breakfast.
  • 6:00 am: Wake up the child and help them get ready for school.
  • 7:00 am: Wave the child goodbye and sit down to gobble breakfast before starting prep for lunch.
  • 8:30 am: Leave for office.
  • 9 am to 5:00 pm: work
  • 5:30 pm: Reach home and talk to the child about their day in school. Ask if they need help with schoolwork.
  • 6:00 pm: Have a cup of tea while calling parents and ensuring everything is all right at home.
  • 7:00 pm: Start prep for dinner.
  • 9:00 pm: clear the dishes and clean the kitchen in preparation for the next morning. Make sure everything is there for the next day’s meals.
  • 9:30 pm: Flop on the couch, exhausted. Ignore taunts by other family members about not paying attention to fitness while watching Television to wind down.
  • 10 pm: Crash on the bed.

Most of the women I know follow a similar schedule. Women barely have time to catch their breath, let alone find me-time.

There are endless chores to finish, along with minor tasks that no one sees or, even, acknowledges. They need to plan menus for healthy meals while making sure everyone’s taste buds are also happy.

There is a running inventory system in a woman’s brain, where the contents of the fridge and pantry are constantly updated. The chore of ordering or buying groceries also falls on women most of the time, taking up more precious minutes.

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Women have to constantly check their mental inventory system

Women need to make sure laundry is done on time so that the family doesn’t run out of clean underwear. Plus, the ironed clothes from the presswallah need to be put in the closets. Beds need to be made, and closets organized. And woe-betide, if the house is untidy when guests pop in, guess who will be blamed?

Of course, one might argue, why do all these pesky chores that eat up valuable time? One can easily hire help and outsource. But guess who handles and deals with domestic help? Women! They are the ones who supervise, direct them and bear the brunt of the help taking the day off.

Later, the man did justify the schedule he followed on his privilege. And I agree.

He is privileged because he is a man.

Image source: Screengrab from Twitter, and Billions photos, free and edited on CanvaPro

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My Motto is you can learn anything from books! I am an engineer turned SAHM turned book blogger. I love to read, talk and write about books. I am passionate about instilling a love for read more...

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