Jasrin Singh, Life Coach: Financial Stability And Humour Need To Be Core Values

We have been conditioned to feel that wanting money is bad. Money is evil etc. It is not. We need to have a loving respectful relationship with money.

“Are you alive?” The first words that I read in Jasrin Singh’s ‘Blueprint of the Authentic You’ were enough to spur me on into this journey of self-discovery. I have been in a strange, liminal space in the past couple of years, connected enough to the world to appear normal, yet disconnected enough to metamorphose in a cocoon spun of my own conundrums.

It is during this investigation of my mid-life crises that Women’s Web reached out to me to interview the author Jasrin Singh about her book, Blueprint of the Authentic You’. At that point of time, I did not know that researching and writing this article was just the catharsis that I needed.

Jasrin Singh on what Blueprint of the Authentic You is about

Without giving away much about the book itself, all I can say is that I consumed this cosmic adventure with the sense of wonder that I had found lacking in my life lately. In this article, I do hope I am able to bring forth the insightful, spiritual journey that Jasrin’s book has taken me through.

The inspiration for ‘Blueprint of the Authentic You’ comes from her own life experiences. While in chapter 1 she has clearly spoken about the turning point in her life where she started contemplating who is Jasrin; I wanted to take a step back and ask her, what was that moment within her ex marriage that made her take that step towards transforming her life?

And Jasrin did not disappoint. “The moment that led me to make an important decision was when my daughter, who was 5-6 years old, said one day – ‘Mom, I also want to be a very young mother’. My response was, ‘No, you need to work, discover yourself, work and become financially independent first’. To which she said, ‘But you did not do that!’ The realization that my daughters will not learn from what I tell them, but from who I am dawned on me. I was their role model, and so was the relationship of her parents a model for how they might choose to relate with their partners in the future. I did not want them to believe that they had to continue to stay in toxic relationships because of the kids/ society etc. I wanted them to know that – we can decide and choose how we want to live and love.”

The correlation between her medical diagnosis and spiritual awakening

In the book, she describes her diagnosis of depression as a result of her awakening. I particularly found her spiritual understanding of depression fascinating.

Obviously, my next question to her was what made her draw the correlation between this medical diagnosis and spiritual awakening?

“At first, I took medication to help with my depression. This made me feel better for a while, but a few months later I was feeling bad again. This time around, medication was only making it worse. I realized that the answer to my problems is not medical, and that I need to heal my soul from deep within. This led to my spiritual search and as I started putting the knowledge I gained from spiritual study into practice, I slowly started healing and recovering. That was the reason for the co-relation, the recognition that real healing cannot be got by medicine but by exploring deep within, and healing aspects of yourself that were disjointed and in pain, and spirituality had the answers for all that was missing.”

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Our patterns of thinking emerge from multiple factors

In her chapters, Jasrin speaks about the pattern of negative emotions and attracting negative energies. She has also spoken about how this pattern emerges from our upbringing, parents, family, society etc. Many of us often find ourselves stuck in this pattern, unable to break out.

The question to her was, what would be your advice to your readers who find themselves trapped in this loop of negative emotions?

“Emotions are energy in motion. They cause us to do and act in ways, that sometimes we have no control over. If we are to live a conscious life, using the intellect, and not emotional pain as deciding factors – then understanding, managing and transmuting the negative emotions that are part of our emotional pain body is imperative to well-being. There are many different ways of transmuting negative emotions, some of which I mention in the book. Working with an expert, however can greatly accelerate the journey. Emotional management starts with acknowledging the emotions that we are feeling, making a decision to change that feeling, and taking action – doing therapeutic work to release and transmute.”

Financial stability and humour as core values

In her chapter on values, she has spoken about her core values. While there are the usual suspects, like respect, compassion, collaboration etc; curiously she has also mentioned financial stability and humor as two of her core values. Not many people would consider these two as values, yet it makes perfect sense.

Naturally, I wanted to know what made her chose financial stability and humor as her values?

“To live a prosperous and fulfilling life, we need what is called full spectrum consciousness. That means we start from our safety and security needs at the bottom, and move upwards towards service and compassion. Financial stability is fundamental to our basic safety needs, because without it we cannot be at peace or feel safe enough to give to others, or dedicate our energy to service and creativity. Yet, we have been conditioned to feel that wanting money is bad. Money is evil etc. It is not. We need to have a loving respectful relationship with money. It is something I had to work on myself, because I was so conditioned to believe that wanting money somehow was below me, or not for people with higher values. To all the women especially – make your financial stability a priority, because then you have the freedom to exercise choice.

Humor is way of life. Laughter is important for well-being, and is the easiest way to get into joy which is a high vibration state. It is also important to move through life with a sense of humor. We cannot take things too seriously, and giving ourselves permission to laugh at ourselves, and forgive ourselves for our misgivings, makes us more forgiving of others.  I have always been a fan of anyone who can make me laugh, and feel so attracted to them – because people that can make me laugh, fill me with joy.”

How do we break out of our conditioning?

In the chapter on conditioning, Jasrin shared an example of her cousin and her view of breaking out of the karmic cycle. I often see people around me blaming misfortunes, behaviors, actions etc to karma, something that often makes me angry, because that train of thought means that we are mere puppets with no concept of free will.

I needed her to talk more about mechanical conditioning and breaking out of it.

“You are right to feel angry”, she said, “because putting ourselves in victim position is so disempowering to the sense of self. Your wisdom knows better than that! Karmic destiny is part of human existence, but with conscious awareness, we can see the seeds of karma, the patterns that are toxic, and use our free will to do something to break through it. Ultimately, karma is all hidden in our psychology – as I say, our psychology is our destiny. We know that with the right guidance, systems and tools, it is possible to change our psychology and therefore our karma. Life is a school – we are here to learn how to overcome our karmic proclivities.”

Loving ourselves unconditionally important

Coming to the most interesting chapter in her book, the final chapter, where she speaks of duality, divine and the diabolical. Interestingly, she also mentions that one cannot bring forth divine by fighting the diabolical.

I was curious to know, if with that statement, she means that we must embrace our duality, complete with the light and shadow, to unconditionally love ourselves?

“Yes! The way to God and to fulfillment is unconditional love for you, which means embracing our strengths and vulnerabilities, our light and shadow. The only way to transform the shadow aspects of us, which maybe limiting us in ways we are not even aware of, is to first hold a view of compassion for that aspect. For example, let’s say our shadow self has a lot of jealousy. Judgment says, you are jealous and that is bad, you should be ashamed of this, and so we repress that part of us from our own and others view. This attempt to hide and repress the parts of us that we are ashamed of, saps us of very important life force energy, which could be put to better use to realize our potential. Compassion looks at that part of us, and sees that this is a part of us that knows it could do better or it should have more etc. Or it is the part of us that needs more love. With this compassion, we can look at this aspect of us without shame, and transmute that to a higher emotion so we can use that energy to create and have the very things we are desiring and envying in other people.”

Needless to say that the book and the author were both a journey worth indulging into.

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About the Author

Ell P

Writer. Artist. Dreamer...and a Coach. Hi, I am Lakshmi Priya, but I respond better to Ell.P. A leadership consultant/coach when the sun shines, and a writer/artist past midnight. read more...

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