A Pandemic Of Emotionally Challenged People

As wonderful as it is to be there for someone at their highest points in life, it's equally if not more important to be there in their lowest times.

I have over the past few months become very passionate about observing emotionally dispassionate people. I am always left in awe of how uncomfortable someone gets with real life struggles and emotions of another person.

To be honest, despite my lack of emotional maturity at many stages in life, I have always tried to be there for a friend or family member when their world is spinning.

I have had candid conversations on social anxiety, marriage, parenthood, unplanned failures, job losses and so much more. And definitely my life wasn’t ever on the same track as another person’s.

But still, if someone opens up to you about raw struggles, you’ve got to be human. What kind of a person would I be if I mock them or worse, ice them out.

Unfortunately it’s not the case with so many people I know, it’s absolutely fine to share good news , happy occasions and celebrate life. I am all for it. In fact, I love seeing posts that are positive and life affirming, especially from genuine people. No comments on the fake ones.

Why is it when someone shares real feelings makes people run away?

Whatever happened to being human?

Why do people suffer in silence and drown alone?

I have so many instances personally, where I have been shunned for sharing my struggles, I have had people come up to me and be really mean. Our society nowadays is so adept in adopting different cultures when it comes to entertainment and cuisines. I wonder why didn’t anyone adopt the softness of any culture.

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In today’s day and age when we are still in a pandemic and so much has altered in life, we have a human race that runs away from reality. As wonderful as it is to be there for someone at their highest points in life, it’s equally if not more important to be there in their lowest times. I can never just see a post of a friend clearly indicating something and be like-” Eh too depressing.”

I can’t never say to someone that they are being sad and mopey and they should seek help. I am not against mental health help but it’s no one’s place to say so and impose it on someone when all they want is to say it out loud. I wonder if we start posting real life on social media, what is going to happen? I would like to quote Haruki Murakami – What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.

And yes humanity, opening our hearts does help and when we can we should be there for someone in our lifetime.

Image source: National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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