Founder Of Marketing4Sales Initiatives, Neetu V Bansal Says ‘Fluid Mindset Must!’

Neetu V Bansal is the founder of ‘Marketing4Sales Initiatives’ that houses brands like Coaching for Business and Academy for Business.

These excerpts are from an interview with Neetu V Bansal, founder of ‘Marketing4Sales Initiatives’ that houses brands like Coaching for Business and Academy for Business.

When did you start ‘Marketing4Sales Initiatives’ and what was the intention?

Founded in Jan 2020, founder Of Marketing4Sales Initiatives, Neetu V Bansal says, “The intention was to share my experiential learnings as an SME business owner with other businesses so that they can find shortcuts through the maze of decisions required to run a growing business.”

What was the biggest challenge you faced in starting the company?

The biggest challenge was differentiating myself from other business coaches. Another challenge that I faced was that of opening a current account without a GST certificate for a startup.

What is the biggest mistake you made while starting your company in the initial few years?

The biggest mistake was going behind the wrong clients- Wrong Customer profiling. Another mistake was of agreeing to take up an additional responsibility in HR(I have earlier experience in talent acquisition) when I wanted to focus only on sales and marketing.

If there was one thing you could advise to a budding woman entrepreneur, what would it be?

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Just go out there and start talking to potential customers. Do not wait to get everything perfect. The reality is that you will never be 100% ready for reality. So start with a fluid mindset, knowing that you will learn and adapt as the market responds to your business.

(Women’s Web, in collaboration with HEN India, will present a series of interviews with women entrepreneurs on Mondays. ‘HEN- Her Entrepreneurial Network’ is a community of Indian Women Entrepreneurs, connected by a vision to inspire, inform and support each other.)

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Pragati Adhikari

Editor at Women’s Web, Designer, Counselor & Art Therapy Practitioner. read more...

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