My Nuptial Chain Has Rusted, Making A Noose Around My Neck…

When the marriage itself has no more meaning, when there is abuse and gaslighting in the relationship, what does a nuptial chain matter?

When the marriage itself has no more meaning, when there is abuse and gaslighting in the relationship, what does a nuptial chain matter?

My nuptial chain has rusted,
bearing upon it the dust of by-gone winds,
and customs might.
It has crumbled under the heavy love of age old boundries
and worn-out caresses of tradition might.

My nuptial chain has rusted,
corroding my heart’s love
and choking away my voice,
it has now become a round halter on a lifeless goat.

My nuptial chain has rusted,
distancing my neck from the hands that made me wear it ,
it has broken me away from the world and the over-world ,
and confined me to the nuptial bed.

My nuptial chain has rusted,
clinging around my neck like a death-killing rope that has sucked my life-force out,
I no longer live,
i only breathe.

My nuptial chain has rusted, leaving me alone on a river-less shore,
it has now turned black from centuries of oppression,
a fading testimony to a fading fate.

My nuptial chain has rusted ,
clutching my emotions, shattering my dreams,
it has now turned blue and black and black and red,
displaying the many-hued blows of torturous affection.

My nuptial chain has rusted,
Clogging me down behind the mind and soul,
it has born me away from God and man,
into a shapeless existence.

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Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Isha isita

Isha is a 18 year old student of English Honors in Christ University. An aspiring poetess, a blundering writer and a hopelessly old school romantic, Isha, decidedly in love with English, Maddhava and all things read more...

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