
I feel so happy when I see mails from my pen pals that I immediately want to respond.

I feel so happy when I see mails from my pen pals that I immediately want to respond.

Fed up of all the tensions at home and the lockdown, I started looking for ways to pass time and find some like-minded people to talk to. With all my travelling and work, I never had time for friends and in last 4 years we drifted apart.

Then I found about pen palling, there’s nothing new in this, people all over the world have written letters, but now this old custom is back with a twist.

There are many websites for pen palling, but I found ‘Global Pen Friends’ to be the best. You create your profile and it is verified by a human within 24 hours, any update to profile is also verified and only then you can start contacting people.

Search for friends with common interests and write to them, if they like your profile they will write back. I found many friends there and with everyone I have a different bond and something different to talk about.

Earlier we just talked, shared experiences but slowly we started sharing photos and exchanged our email IDs.

There are so many good  things coming out of it.

  1. People from all age groups living all over the world have sign up here.
  2. This portal is not just to exchange stories, many people are learning and practicing their language skills with native speakers.
  3. In time of lockdown when all travels and tours have been cancelled, people are seeing places through other’s eyes and reliving old memories.
  4. Some are sharing gardening tips and others are exchanging recipes.
  5. Learning about other cultures and most importantly their food.
  6. Me, I found some people I talk to after staying quiet for months, I don’t open my mouth but my fingers speak.

It has been so long since I wrote a letter or an email which was not for a school project or exam. I feel so happy when I see mails from my pen pals that I immediately want to respond.

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During this lockdown I had lost all energy to do anything exciting and things at home weren’t good either, but now I want to do something interesting just so that I have something new to talk about with my pen pals.

I was once a very talkative girl who got married in a family where daughter-in-laws are supposed to stay silent, these pen-pals gave me that chance to try being myself even if its for a few minutes.

Though they don’t know about this, I don’t want to share my sadness and depress anyone. I see their cities through the photographs they send and the memories they share.

See I won’t say that its all good, there are chances that some profiles may be fake, so please ensure you do not exchange any personal information in the very beginning, just simply talk and listen, it is a really good feeling.

I miss those days when I would return from school and tell everything that happened during the day to my mom while having lunch, these letters and emails are something like that. I hope you guys try it out!

Image Credits : Unsplash 

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